Take a look at the ImageLoader class. This is involved when new bytes of an 
image are downloaded, and thus eventually ends up triggering the update of the 
relevant portion of the screen. You can use this class as a model for updating 
the screen once your algorithm is complete.

> On Jan 30, 2015, at 8:58 PM, ankit srivastav <ank....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm new to webkit in context of Painting/Drawing.
> I'm trying to use my own algo instead of Webkit defaults Bilenear 
> Interpolation algo for interpolation of images on a webpage.
> That is if destImage Size is greater then SrcImage Size my algo will also 
> come into picture alongside Webkit Bilinear.
> But the problem is my algo take lots of time to do the interpolation, hence 
> the page load becomes slow.
> Specially for large images it takes too much time to load the image and hence 
> the webpage.
> I have tried to use my algo in PlatformGraphicsContext.cpp along with 
> Bilinear.
> If I'm using a separate thread to for my algo.
> I'm not getting the exact result i.e. once the images are drawn by Bilinear 
> it is not been drawn after my algo.
> It means I need to fire an event after interpolation is done by my algo, so 
> that images will be drawn using the data from my algo.
> Please if someone can tell me the Painting/Drawing mechanism of webkit it 
> would be great.
> Regards,
> Ank
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