 i am a new beginner of of webkit,  i meet a problem when i review the code of 
webkitgtk-2.18.6. in directory


i see there are two graphic backend "PlatformDisplayX11" and 
"PlatformDisplayWayland" are inherited from webcore class PlatformDisplay,  my 
questions is, 
why webkit call the x11 or wayland directly without through the GTK graphic 
interface?  the graphic backend should be the GTK right?   so in my believe,  
it should be the GTK lib not the webkit call  wayland or x11, where am i wrong?

x11/PlatformDisplayX11.h:38:class PlatformDisplayX11 final : public 
PlatformDisplay {
wayland/PlatformDisplayWayland.h:37:class PlatformDisplayWayland : public 
PlatformDisplay {

thanks for your kindly support and i much appreciate.
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