That should not matter for commit attribution. According to their docs 

To ensure that commits are attributed to you and appear in your contributions 
graph, use an email address that is connected to your GitHub account, or the 
noreply email address provided to you in your email settings.

Which basically means that keeping your email address private does not prevent 
a dedicated snooper if you already have commits associated with your email 
(because someone could just grab the commit log and find the email), but that 
setting your email to private will not prevent commits from being attributed to 


> On Dec 17, 2020, at 1:02 PM, Darin Adler <> wrote:
>> On Dec 17, 2020, at 8:47 AM, Jonathan Bedard via webkit-dev 
>> <> wrote:
>> Something we’ve just learned about commit attribution and GitHub is that 
>> adding an email to your GitHub account may not attribute commits that were 
>> pushed to a repository before you added the email. There were a few issues 
>> with history as it stands now, and I will be pushing up the final version of 
>> history in the next few days.
>> What this means for you now is that it is time to set-up your GitHub account 
>> if you have not already and add any emails you used to commit to WebKit to 
>> your account (GitHub allows multiple emails to be associated with a single 
>> account).
> Do GitHub’s privacy settings matter? My GitHub account now has 
> associated with it, but I have "Keep my email addresses 
> private” checked in GitHub settings. Does that matter?
> — Darin

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