Hi Everyone,

I am happy to announce that I have added a new EWS queue: Stress Test EWS. From 
now on, you would see a new status bubbles (on Bugzilla bug) named: 
'mac-wk2-stress'. For the patches that add or modify layout tests, this EWS 
will run those added/modified layout-tests repeatedly large number of times 
(currently 100 iterations). It will also run those added/modified layout-tests 
repeatedly in guard-malloc mode. Example: 
https://ews-build.webkit.org/#/builders/62/builds/249. The aim is to find any 
issue with the layout-tests, especially flakiness, or failure when run in a 
certain manner.

Flaky layout-tests are currently a huge problem, as they sometimes cause false 
positives on EWS (and other parts of infrastructure), and slow down our 
infrastructure (as for every test failure, EWS needs to run the test-suite few 
times to ensure the failures are not flaky or pre-existing). Until now, we 
didn't have any good automated way to indicate the test flakiness to the 
engineers. With this EWS, we are adding pre-commit testing for layout-test 
flakiness. We understand that layout tests might be flaky in a variety of ways, 
sometimes in a very specific or unexpected manner. I am looking at covering 
more and more scenarios in this EWS by making incremental improvements to it.

Few ideas to further improve this EWS are:
- Test on more OS/configurations (this EWS is currently using macOS release wk2 
- Run the test being added/modified repeatedly along-with other layout-tests in 
same directory
- Improve the logic to identify layout-tests, current logic is naive and only 
recognizes html layout-tests

More ideas are welcome.

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