Hi there friendly WebKittens,

I am gearing up to ship a small first step of Private Network Access [1] in
Chromium. Roughly:

Websites served over HTTP from public IP addresses will no longer be
allowed to make subresource fetches to private IP addresses (RFC1918 and/or
localhost). Specifically, this restriction applies to non-secure contexts.
Secure contexts are unaffected by this change.

We have metrics in place telling us that ~0.1% of page visits at most make
use of this feature.

I am interested in WebKit's opinion on this matter.

For more details, see the chromestatus entry [2] and the Intent to Ship
thread on blink-...@chromium.org [3].


[1] https://wicg.github.io/private-network-access/
[2] https://chromestatus.com/feature/5436853517811712
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