Long ago, I originally created the forwarding headers to bridge the gap between 
framework-style includes that those of us at Apple wanted to do, where headers 
are flattened and you write #include <FrameworkName/HeaderName.h>, and 
Unix-style installed libraries, where things are not flattened. I wanted us to 
be able to write include statements in WebKit in the traditional 
non-Apple-framework style so they would work on those other platforms, and the 
forwarding headers were originally just for the Apple platforms, making those 
includes work with the framework structure provided automatically by the Apple 
framework build system.

Those original forwarding headers were not copies of the headers, they were 
simply files “in the right place” with include statements in them. I’m not sure 
at what point along the way we started making copies of headers, and we may be 
solving other problems with that.

This proposal, to flatten the WTF headers, seems to be a step in of the 
opposite direction, making the non-Apple platforms do something akin to 
framework-style including. Not sure I understand the pros and cons are of that.

I am currently suffering when working on WebKit development because of the 
copies of headers made by the build system. I can’t count the number of times 
I’ve edited a WTF header and then later realized I had edited the copy, not the 
original. I would very much like a solution that resolved that problem. I use 
Xcode features, and it seems the copies are what Xcode thinks are the “real” 

— Dar
webkit-dev mailing list

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