I have also deployed the same "Login with GitHub" feature on build.webkit.org 
(post-commit CI). Very small subset of our users (especially admins, 
bot-watchers etc.) actually need to login on build.webkit.org . On 
build.webkit.org, one common operation is to do "Force Clean build" (which does 
a clean build instead of incremental build). Any admin or WebKit reviewer can 
now login and perform that operation. If anyone feels like any other 
functionality needs to be exposed to wider audience, please let me know.

Also, as always, please feel free to let me know if you notice any issue or 
have any feedback.


> On Feb 22, 2023, at 2:29 PM, Aakash Jain <aakash_j...@apple.com> wrote:
> One cool trick can be to combine this feature with "skip-ews" GitHub label 
> (or --no-ews flag in git-webkit, announced in 
> https://lists.webkit.org/pipermail/webkit-dev/2023-January/032461.html).
> For example, if you want to run EWS only on certain queues (e.g.: while 
> debugging/iterating on a particular platform), you can create the PR with 
> "git-webkit --no-ews", once most of the queues have processed the PR and 
> skipped it, you can remove the 'skip-ews' label from GitHub UI, click on 
> specific status-bubbles for the queues you want to run EWS on, and then click 
> "Rebuild" for those skipped builds. That way you could run EWS on specific 
> queues.
> Also, please note that the word 'Rebuild' and "Builder" comes from buildbot 
> terminology, and might be little confusing for some of us, as we use 
> terminology of "Builder" and "Tester" queues which means building WebKit and 
> running tests. However, buildbot refers any queue as "Builder', and it refers 
> retrying an EWS run as "Rebuild". Pressing "Rebuild" button on a tester queue 
> (e.g.: webkitpy-ews) might not involve building WebKit or anything.
> Please let me know if anyone has any question.
> Thanks
> Aakash
>> On Feb 20, 2023, at 4:34 PM, Aakash Jain <aakash_j...@apple.com> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I am happy to announce a new feature in EWS: "Login with GitHub".
>> In Bugzilla world, we have a feature named "Retry failed builds" which allow 
>> us to retry the EWS builds which failed (especially useful when the failure 
>> might be due to flakiness or infrastructure issue). However, in GitHub 
>> world, there was no way for WebKittens to retry the builds.... until now.
>> From now on, when you visit any ews-build.webkit.org page (e.g.: the page 
>> which opens on clicking on any EWS status-bubble), you would be able to 
>> login to it using your existing GitHub account. To login, on any ews 
>> buildbot page, simply click on "Anonymous" -> "Login with GitHub" (on 
>> top-right). You will need to authorize "WebKit EWS" to access your GtiHub 
>> account to Login.
>> After login, any WebKit contributor (listed in 
>> https://github.com/orgs/WebKit/teams/contributors/members) can press 
>> "Rebuild" button on any build. This would provide ability to retry not just 
>> the failing builds, but any builds, including failed, cancelled, skipped or 
>> even successful builds (for example if last EWS run on a PR was many days 
>> back and you want to run EWS again). Please click on this button only when 
>> needed, as unnecessary retries might waste resources.
>> If you are not listed in 
>> https://github.com/orgs/WebKit/teams/contributors/members and should have 
>> been listed there (e.g.: you are in contributors.json and have listed your 
>> GitHub account in it), please let me (or any WebKit admin) know.
>> As always, please feel free to let me know if you notice any issue or have 
>> any feedback.
>> Thanks
>> Aakash

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