
On Wed, 12 Apr 2023 20:27:25 -0500 Michael Catanzaro via webkit-dev 
<webkit-dev@lists.webkit.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 13 2023 at 08:15:00 AM +0900, Tetsuharu Ohzeki via 
> webkit-dev <webkit-dev@lists.webkit.org> wrote:
> > To digress a little, why does webkit now use a style checker based on 
> > python script instead of clang-format?
> > In today, I feel it's more reasonable to use such a formetter.
> We've tried clang-format in several GNOME projects with not great 
> results. I'd recommend uncrustify instead.

That may have been the case because the conventions used for code style
in GLib/GObject-adjacent projects is quite peculiar, and uncrustify allows
for a bit more tweaking than clang-format (and even so I have seen some
projects use additional scripts for the API headers, which have their own
set of indentation challenges!). OTOH, clang-format supports the WebKit
C++ coding conventions out of the box (“clang-format --style=WebKit”).

> Still, I'm not sure it's a good idea for WebKit. I'm sure we could make 
> either tool work, but we'd have to be very lax with any configuration 
> we use, or it could get pretty annoying. And the existing style checker 
> works decently enough.

Personally, I do not care that much which particular style checker is
used, as long as there is a sanctioned style and some way of checking it.
The current style checker is fine, and supports more languages than C/C++
so in that regard it's better than clang-format.


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