WebKitGTK+ 2.22.4 is available for download at:

https://webkitgtk.org/releases/webkitgtk-2.22.4.tar.xz (16.0MB)
   md5sum: 9f08d09cfc21c761a431a545549f301a
   sha1sum: adf857c8a8b8fb79ba9b01bbe4b454956e633952
   sha256sum: fab5be2883802352ae0e735dd1eff4bc18abaff7ac78689cec72eb2f611943b8

This is a bug fix release in the stable 2.22 series.

What's new in the WebKitGTK+ 2.22.4 release?

  - Expose ENABLE_MEDIA_SOURCE as a public build option.
  - Fix a crash when using Cairo versions between 1.15 and 1.16.0
  - Fix the build with -DLOG_DISABLED=0.
  - Fix the build with ENABLE_VIDEO=OFF and ENABLE_WEB_AUDIO=OFF.
  - Fix debug builds of JavaScriptCore.
  - Fix several crashes and rendering issues.

What is WebKitGTK+?

WebKitGTK+ is the GNOME platform port of the WebKit rendering engine.
Offering WebKit's full functionality through a set of GObject-based
APIs, it is suitable for projects requiring any kind of web
integration, from hybrid HTML/CSS applications to full-fledged web

More information

If you want to know more about the project or get in touch with us
you may:

- Visit our website at https://www.webkitgtk.org, or the upstream
  site at https://www.webkit.org. People interested in contributing
  should read: https://www.webkit.org/coding/contributing.html.

- Browse the bug list at https://bugs.webkit.org, WebKitGTK+ bugs are
  typically prefixed by "[GTK]." A bug report with a minimal,
  reproducible test case is often just as valuable as a patch.

- Join the #webkit and #webkitgtk+ IRC channels at irc.freenode.net.

- Subscribe to the WebKitGTK+ mailing list,
  https://lists.webkit.org/mailman/listinfo/webkit-gtk, or the
  WebKit development mailing list,


Thanks to all the contributors who made possible this release, they
are far too many to list!

The WebKitGTK+ team,
November 21, 2018
webkit-gtk mailing list

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