
First of all, I hope I choose the right list, but in case I didn't, I will 
greatly appreciate pointers, in the right direction.

The story is this; A few years ago, WebKit was ported to the Syllable operating 
system, but as always, nothing ever got upstream. To make matters worse, the 
guy who ported it, disappeared from the project, and never released the 
patches, only the modified source.
I've been looking in the .svn directory (fortunately that was still intact), 
and it seems like the trunk used, was r29940 for both WebCore, and 

We (a fork of Syllable) want to update that port, and naturally I may be 
mistaking, but I do believe the best way would be to create a set of patches, 
and for that I would need a clean trunk. Now, I can only find r29933 and 
r29946, on your website, so I was wondering if there was somewhere else I could 
look, and hopefully find, r29940.

Best regards
Flemming H. Sørensen
The Pyro OS Team
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