Dear Webkit team,

In case the fix for some issue is changing the expected output of an
existing Layout Test case which is platform specific; while submitting
patch for such an issue do we generate new expected files for all platforms
(which might not be possible) or do we submit the patch with the new
expected file for one specific platform alone?

The issue which I am currently working on is related to the rendering of
replaced elements within a table-cell (with auto/percent height) []

The fix for the above issue changes the expected output (png image) for the
WebKit\LayoutTests\fast\replaced\width100percent-image.html test case. This
test case is platform dependent.

I now wish to submit a patch for the above issue. The patch should
therefore contain the new expected output for the aforementioned test case.
How do I get the expected file (xxxxx.png) for different platforms?

Thanks in advance.

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