
I have had the worst experience in my life trying to make webcore compile,
I have try to create an xcode project with the needed files for webcore to
work on iOS, using their open source code (
http://www.opensource.apple.com/release/ios-433/), but all my tries have
resulted bad: GYP, CMake or doing manually aren't working for me and I
really need to have this as soon as possible.
I'm wondering if it is possible for someone to help me to have an Xcode
project compiling and generating the needed .a file with the WebCore code,
so that we can use it in an iOS application, we just want to have a really
simple app to measure webpage's components load time in devices.
We are willing to pay for the work if necessary, so if anybody wants and
can help us I will really appreciate that.

Thanks in advance!

Ricardo QH--13
webkit-help mailing list

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