On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 5:36 PM, yuqing cai <yuqingc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi, all.
> I am new in webkit and try to port the webkit to a new platform.
> I follow the " Successful Port How To" in the wiki page and try to build the
> JavaScriptCore, but I have no idea how to do that, then I follow the Gtk
> port to trace the buiding steps, but I can't find any Makefile(actually
> there are some Makefile in the src, but they look so strange).
> so, where can find some documents about webkit porting?

In case you want a list of files and dependencies needed to build JSC,
you can take a look on the CMake buildsystem (in this case, for the
EFL platform).


I'm not aware of any other documentation of how to create a new WebKit
port. Maybe checking on the SVN history (e.g. look for patches of the
EFL port upstreaming) might help.
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