Hello, is there a way to deinitialise QtWebkit in runtime completely? For example for this code:
#include <QApplication> #include <QGraphicsWebView> #include <QUrl> #include <QTimer> QGraphicsWebView* graphicsWebView; class Deleter : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public slots: void deleteWebView() { delete graphicsWebView; } }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); graphicsWebView = new QGraphicsWebView; graphicsWebView->setUrl(QUrl("http://www.google.com")); Deleter d; QTimer::singleShot(10000, &d, SLOT(deleteWebView())); return app.exec(); } #include "main.moc" After deleting graphicsWebView object there is still used about 2mb of physical memory (more than 6 mb of virtual memory) by Webkit's OSAllocator (I tracked mmap's calls by OSAllocator and then correlated with /proc/pid/smaps). Much of the memory seems to be requested by JSC::JIT::compile function. Is there some way to completely clean QtWebkit after it was initialised? This is Qt 4.8 Best regards
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