
There has been a new comment on Weblate/Application at Hosted Weblate.

Source string:

Whenever new translation unit is imported from the VCS, it is flagged as
needing editing in Weblate. This way you can enforce editing source
strings from developers.


I agree with Yaron Shahrabani that it is not clear what this means.
Especially the "enforce editing source strings from developers" part is
unclear to me; is it about editing the source strings, checking that the
developers did not make mistakes? I tried translating it anyway, but my
translation is simply equally unclear. The source string needs more
clarification, not just for translators but also for those that use
Weblate in English.

You can edit this string at:


Translation summary:

Total strings: 1570
Translated strings:  (94.2%)
Untranslated strings:  (5.7%)
Strings marked for review: 82 (5.2%)

You can translate at
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