believe it or not, but I've found some time to dig into the
testing stuff of perl. So (finally) I've written some test
cases and documentation for the <lang> tag together with
the underlaying multilanguage support of webmake. 

Thanks, Jason, for incorporating my patches despite
my unfulfilled promises of sending you somehting like
this earlier. 


FB6A 3472 A931 5FA1 8597  F04E 6764 AF48 F863 1501
diff -Nur HTML-WebMake-2.4-orig/doc/multilang.txt HTML-WebMake-2.4/doc/multilang.txt
--- HTML-WebMake-2.4-orig/doc/multilang.txt     Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ HTML-WebMake-2.4/doc/multilang.txt  Tue Jul 29 23:09:30 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+<wmmeta name="Title" value="Multi language support and the &lt;lang&gt; Tag" />
+<wmmeta name="Section" value="05-meta" />
+<wmmeta name="Score" value="55" />
+<wmmeta name="Abstract">
+Support for multilingual web pages from single source files.
+All meta tags can be augmented by an optional ##lang="<languageid>"## attribute
+which associates the meta content with a certain language.  Together with the
+##lang## HTML-tag (which is included via ##<use plugin="lang_tag.wmk">## within
+the webmake file), this allows for multi language contents with different meta
+contents for different languages. 
+How to define language dependent meta data
+Let's start with an example:
+  <content name="foo">
+    < wmmeta lang="en" name="Title" value="English Title" />
+    < wmmeta lang="de" name="Title" value="Deutscher Titel" />
+    < wmmeta name="Section" value="section" />
+    < wmmeta name="Score" value="10" />
+    < wmmeta lang="en" name="Abstract">
+      This is an english abstract
+    </wmmeta>
+    < wmmeta lang="de" name="Abstract">
+      Das ist eine deutsche Zusammenfassung
+    </wmmeta>
+    Foo foo foo foo bar. etc.
+  </content>
+We've set two language dependent metadata item  (##Title## and ##Abstract##)
+by using the ##lang## attribute and two others (##Section## and ##Score##) which
+lack this attribute. 
+On producing the output, metadata item without a language attributes are used
+as __default__ values if no appropriate metadata item for the currently
+selected language can be found. If you've more than two language, this makes it
+possible to define a default value for all languages but redefine it for only
+one special langague.
+It is also possible to define language dependet metadata items if you use 
+       <metatable delimiter="|">
+       .|up|score
+       content.txt|index.txt|70
+       .|title|abstract
+       ..|lang|de
+       content.txt|Bildergalerie|Einige Bildergalerien.
+       ..|lang|en
+       content.txt|Galleries|Some image galleries.
+       </metatable>
+Here ##up## and ##score## is the same for all languages for ##content.txt## and
+##title## and ##abstract## are set differently for english and german. The
+general format for the metatable language support is:
+       ..<delimiter>lang<delimter><languageid> 
+The two points start a __sublevel__ within the metadata item list defined
+in the line starting with one point. The next entry defines the feature to set,
+in this case ##lang## (which is the only one supported up to now). And the
+third entry defines the value for the feature (here the language identifier).
+Other sources of meta data are **not** supported, up to now. This includes:
+  - self defined ##metaset##s
+  - metadata defined in xml files (not csv)
+How to set language dependent content parts
+The language dependent content is set by using the ##lang## HTML tag. 
+       <lang id="de">
+       Das hier erscheint nur auf der deutschen Seite.
+       </lang>
+       <lang id="en">
+       This appears only on the english page.
+       </lang>
+       <img src="nice_picture.jpg" /> <!-- this appears always -->
+How to output proper html files
+On outputting the html pages the attribute ##lang## has to be define to select
+a certain language. Usually one defines a content containing the selected language
+so it can be used within the content files. 
+Here's an example:
+    <!-- output english pages -->
+    <template name="curlang">en</template>
+    <attrdefault name="lang" value="${curlang}" >
+        <out name="index" file="index.html.${curlang}">
+            ${header}
+            ${index_text}
+            ${footer}
+         </out>
+    </attrdefault>
+    <!-- output german pages -->
+    <template name="curlang">de</template>
+    <attrdefault name="lang" value="${curlang}" >
+        <out name="index" file="index.html.${curlang}">
+            ${header}
+            ${index_text}
+            ${footer}
+         </out>
+    </attrdefault>
+    </usemetaset>
+The ##<out ...>## part can be sourced out into a file on its own which is 
+included instead of rewriting the code for each language section.
+Further Information and some Tricks
+The language support is implemented by adding ##::<languageid>## to the keys
+used to store all meta information and urls together with the content data.
+Knowing this, it is possible to manipulate all language dependent entries
+The following sections give some examples of how to make use of this.
+Referring to output files of another language
+In order to be able to switch languages one has to use urls which  refer to
+output pages of another language. This is like avoiding the automatic language
+detection feature while using ##$(url)## and indicating directly to which
+language file to use.
+The following example shows a code snippet from a page header template which
+makes it possible to switch from the englisch to the german representation of
+one page and visaverse.
+ <lang id=de>
+    <a href="$(${WebMake.OutName}::en)">
+    <img src="$(englishFlag.gif)" alt="EN">
+    </a>
+ </lang>
+ <lang id=en>
+    <a href="$(${WebMake.OutName}::de)">
+    <img src="$(germanFlag.gif)" alt="DE">
+    </a>
+  </lang>
+Embedding CGI scripts with language support
+In this example the urls for a external cgi script, for which display templates
+are generated with webmake, are set from a small perl script: 
+   <attrdefault name="map" value="true" >
+   <media src="gallery" name="gallery.php3" />
+   </attrdefault>
+   <metatable delimiter="|">
+   .|up|score
+   gallery.php3|index.txt|70
+   .|title|abstract
+   ..|lang|de
+   gallery.php3|Bildergalerie|Alle m&ouml;glichen Bildergalerien
+   ..|lang|en
+   gallery.php3|Galleries|All different kinds of image galleries
+   </metatable>
+   <!-- add language url's, not nice but it works   -->
+   <{perl
+       my $base = get_url("gallery.php3");
+       set_url("gallery.php3::de", $base . "?lang=de");
+       set_url("gallery.php3::en", $base . "?lang=en");
+       '';
+   }>
+After this, ##$(gallery.php3)##  within a content gives
+##<path_to_script>/gallery.php3?lang=de## with language set to ##de## and
+##<path_to_script>/gallery.php3?lang=en## with language set to ##en##. 
diff -Nur HTML-WebMake-2.4-orig/lib/HTML/WebMake/NormalContent.pm 
--- HTML-WebMake-2.4-orig/lib/HTML/WebMake/NormalContent.pm     Sun Dec  9 11:07:57 
+++ HTML-WebMake-2.4/lib/HTML/WebMake/NormalContent.pm  Sun Jul 27 14:46:12 2003
@@ -663,10 +663,19 @@
   return if ($filename =~ /^\(/);       # (eval), (dep_ignore) etc.
-  if (!$self->{no_map} && !defined $self->{reffed_in_url}) {
+  my $main = $self->{main};
+  my $l = $self->{main}->{current_subst}->{lang};
+  my $lang_key = "";
+  my $reffed_key = "reffed_in_url";
+  $lang_key = "::".$l if defined($l);
+  $reffed_key .= "::".$l if defined($l);
+  if (!$self->{no_map} && !defined $self->{$reffed_key}) {
     dbg2 ($self->as_string().": add ref from url $filename");
-    $self->{reffed_in_url} = $filename;
-    $self->{main}->getcache()->put_metadata ($self->{name}.".url", $filename);
+    $self->{$reffed_key} = $filename;
+    $self->{main}->getcache()->put_metadata ($self->{name}.$lang_key.".url", 
@@ -678,13 +687,24 @@
     return '';
-  my $url = $self->{reffed_in_url};
+  my $main = $self->{main};
+  my $l = $self->{main}->{current_subst}->{lang};
+  my $lang_key = "";
+  my $reffed_key = "reffed_in_url";
+  $lang_key = "::".$l if defined($l);
+  $reffed_key .= "::".$l if defined($l);
+  my $url = $self->{$reffed_key};
+  dbg2("NormalContent->get_url: got \"".$url."\"") if defined $url;
   if (defined $url) { return $url; }
-  $url = $self->{main}->getcache()->get_metadata ($self->{name}.".url");
+  dbg2("NormalContent->get_url: try to get \"".$self->{name}.$lang_key.".url\"");
+  $url = $self->{main}->getcache()->get_metadata ($self->{name}.$lang_key.".url");
   if (defined $url) {
-    $self->{reffed_in_url} = $url;
+    $self->{$reffed_key} = $url;
     return $url;
diff -Nur HTML-WebMake-2.4-orig/lib/HTML/WebMake/PerlLib/lang_tag.wmk 
--- HTML-WebMake-2.4-orig/lib/HTML/WebMake/PerlLib/lang_tag.wmk Thu Nov 22 10:38:33 
+++ HTML-WebMake-2.4/lib/HTML/WebMake/PerlLib/lang_tag.wmk      Sun Jul 27 14:45:09 
@@ -1,3 +1,45 @@
+=head1 NAME
+lang_tag.wmk - markup text for language dependent output
+=head1 LOADING
+  <use plugin="lang_tag" />
+=head1 HTML TAGS
+  < lang id=... >
+  < /lang >
+This WebMake Perl library provides a support tag for writing multi language
+input files. 
+During the output stage the  C<id> is compared to attribute C<lang> and only on
+equality the text is included into the output. 
+Text parts which are not included int C<lang> tags are always included, regardless
+of the C<lang>-attribute. 
+This makes it possible to have one file which contains the content for several
+languages and common parts have to be written only once
+For more information on the multi language support please consult the  C<webmake>
+=over 4
+=item id
+This is the language identifier for the text section. 
   $self->define_tag ("lang", \&handle_lang_tag, qw(id));
diff -Nur HTML-WebMake-2.4-orig/t/data/multilangmeta.data/bar.txt 
--- HTML-WebMake-2.4-orig/t/data/multilangmeta.data/bar.txt     Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 
+++ HTML-WebMake-2.4/t/data/multilangmeta.data/bar.txt  Mon Jul 28 20:42:57 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<wmmeta lang="en" name="title" value="This is bar." />
+<wmmeta lang="de" name="title" value="Das ist  bar." />
+<wmmeta name="title" value="Default bar title." />
+<wmmeta name="score" value=20 />
+This is the bar document. The title looks like this: $[this.title]
diff -Nur HTML-WebMake-2.4-orig/t/data/multilangmeta.data/foo.txt 
--- HTML-WebMake-2.4-orig/t/data/multilangmeta.data/foo.txt     Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 
+++ HTML-WebMake-2.4/t/data/multilangmeta.data/foo.txt  Mon Jul 28 20:42:45 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<wmmeta lang="en" name="title" value="This is foo." />
+<wmmeta lang="de" name="title" value="Das ist  foo." />
+<wmmeta name="title" value="Default foo title." />
+<wmmeta name="score" value=10 />
+This is the foo document. The title looks like this: $[this.title]
diff -Nur HTML-WebMake-2.4-orig/t/data/multilangmeta.wmk 
--- HTML-WebMake-2.4-orig/t/data/multilangmeta.wmk      Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ HTML-WebMake-2.4/t/data/multilangmeta.wmk   Mon Jul 28 20:46:27 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+<contents src="data/multilangmeta.data" name="*.txt" format="text/et" />
+<content name=index format="text/et">
+Title for foo: ''$[foo.txt.title]'' Foo's score: $[foo.txt.score]
+Link: <a href=$(foo)>here</a>
+Title for bar: ''$[bar.txt.title]'' Bar's score: $[bar.txt.score]
+Link: <a href=$(bar)>here</a>
+<content name=header format="text/et">
+<attrdefault name="lang" value="de" >
+<out file=log/multilangmeta_de.html>${index}</out>
+<out name=foo file=log/multilangmeta_foo_de.html>
+Title in out item: $[this.title]
+<out name=bar file=log/multilangmeta_bar_de.html>
+Title in out item: $[this.title]
+<attrdefault name="lang" value="en" >
+<out file=log/multilangmeta_en.html>${index}</out>
+<out name=foo file=log/multilangmeta_foo_en.html>
+Title in out item: $[this.title]
+<out name=bar file=log/multilangmeta_bar_en.html>
+Title in out item: $[this.title]
+<out file=log/multilangmeta.html>${index}</out>
+<out name=foo file=log/multilangmeta_foo.html>
+Title in out item: $[this.title]
+<out name=bar file=log/multilangmeta_bar.html>
+Title in out item: $[this.title]
diff -Nur HTML-WebMake-2.4-orig/t/data/multilangmetatable.wmk 
--- HTML-WebMake-2.4-orig/t/data/multilangmetatable.wmk Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ HTML-WebMake-2.4/t/data/multilangmetatable.wmk      Tue Jul 29 20:29:43 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+<media src="data/contentsfind.data" name=".../*.txt" />
+.      section score
+foo.txt        sec1    50
+dir1/bar.txt   sec2    30      
+dir2/dir2a/baz.txt     sec1    20
+.      title
+foo.txt        Default foo     
+dir1/bar.txt   Default bar
+dir2/dir2a/baz.txt     Default baz
+..     lang    de
+foo.txt        Das ist foo     
+dir1/bar.txt   Das ist bar
+dir2/dir2a/baz.txt     Das ist baz
+..     lang    en
+foo.txt        This is foo     
+dir1/bar.txt   This is bar
+dir2/dir2a/baz.txt     This is baz
+<attrdefault name="lang" value="en" >
+<out file=log/multilangmetatable.html>
+Name: foo
+Title: $[foo.txt.title]
+Section: $[foo.txt.section]
+Score: $[foo.txt.score]
+Name: dir1/bar
+Title: $[dir1/bar.txt.title]
+Section: $[dir1/bar.txt.section]
+Score: $[dir1/bar.txt.score]
+Name: dir2/dir2a/baz
+Title: $[dir2/dir2a/baz.txt.title]
+Section: $[dir2/dir2a/baz.txt.section]
+Score: $[dir2/dir2a/baz.txt.score]
+<attrdefault name="lang" value="de" >
+<out file=log/multilangmetatable_de.html>
+Name: foo
+Title: $[foo.txt.title]
+Section: $[foo.txt.section]
+Score: $[foo.txt.score]
+Name: dir1/bar
+Title: $[dir1/bar.txt.title]
+Section: $[dir1/bar.txt.section]
+Score: $[dir1/bar.txt.score]
+Name: dir2/dir2a/baz
+Title: $[dir2/dir2a/baz.txt.title]
+Section: $[dir2/dir2a/baz.txt.section]
+Score: $[dir2/dir2a/baz.txt.score]
+<attrdefault name="lang" value="fr" >
+<out file=log/multilangmetatable_fr.html>
+Name: foo
+Title: $[foo.txt.title]
+Section: $[foo.txt.section]
+Score: $[foo.txt.score]
+Name: dir1/bar
+Title: $[dir1/bar.txt.title]
+Section: $[dir1/bar.txt.section]
+Score: $[dir1/bar.txt.score]
+Name: dir2/dir2a/baz
+Title: $[dir2/dir2a/baz.txt.title]
+Section: $[dir2/dir2a/baz.txt.section]
+Score: $[dir2/dir2a/baz.txt.score]
diff -Nur HTML-WebMake-2.4-orig/t/multilangmeta.t HTML-WebMake-2.4/t/multilangmeta.t
--- HTML-WebMake-2.4-orig/t/multilangmeta.t     Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ HTML-WebMake-2.4/t/multilangmeta.t  Tue Jul 29 00:27:28 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use lib '.'; use lib 't';
+use WMTest; webmake_t_init("multilangmeta");
+use Test; BEGIN { plan tests => 37 };
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%patterns = (
+  q{Title for foo: "Default foo title." Foo's score: 10},
+  'index_title_foo',
+  q{Title for bar: "Default bar title." Bar's score: 20},
+  'index_title_bar',
+  q{Link: <a href="../log/multilangmeta_foo.html">here</a>},
+  'index_link_foo',
+  q{Link: <a href="../log/multilangmeta_bar.html">here</a>},
+  'index_link_bar',
+  q{Title in out item: Default foo title.},
+  'title_file_foo',
+  q{Title in out item: Default bar title.},
+  'title_file_bar',
+  q{Title for foo: "Das ist foo." Foo's score: 10},
+  'index_title_score_foo_de',
+  q{Title for bar: "Das ist bar." Bar's score: 20},
+  'index_title_score_bar_de',
+  q{Link: <a href="../log/multilangmeta_foo_de.html">here</a>},
+  'index_link_foo_de',
+  q{Link: <a href="../log/multilangmeta_bar_de.html">here</a>},
+  'index_link_bar_de',
+  q{Title in out item: Das ist foo.},
+  'foo_title_de',
+  q{Title in out item: Das ist bar.},
+  'bar_title_de',
+  q{Title for foo: "This is foo." Foo's score: 10},
+  'index_title_score_foo_en',
+  q{Title for bar: "This is bar." Bar's score: 20},
+  'index_title_score_bar_en',
+  q{Link: <a href="../log/multilangmeta_foo_en.html">here</a>},
+  'index_link_foo_en',
+  q{Link: <a href="../log/multilangmeta_bar_en.html">here</a>},
+  'index_link_bar_en',
+  q{Title in out item: This is foo.},
+  'foo_title_en',
+  q{Title in out item: This is bar.},
+  'bar_title_en'
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ok (wmrun ("-F -f data/$testname.wmk", \&patterns_run_cb));
+checkfile ($testname."_foo.html", \&patterns_run_cb);
+checkfile ($testname."_bar.html", \&patterns_run_cb);
+checkfile ($testname."_de.html", \&patterns_run_cb);
+checkfile ($testname."_foo_de.html", \&patterns_run_cb);
+checkfile ($testname."_bar_de.html", \&patterns_run_cb);
+checkfile ($testname."_en.html", \&patterns_run_cb);
+checkfile ($testname."_foo_en.html", \&patterns_run_cb);
+checkfile ($testname."_bar_en.html", \&patterns_run_cb);
diff -Nur HTML-WebMake-2.4-orig/t/multilangmetaset.t 
--- HTML-WebMake-2.4-orig/t/multilangmetaset.t  Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ HTML-WebMake-2.4/t/multilangmetaset.t       Tue Jul 29 23:02:50 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use lib '.'; use lib 't';
+use WMTest; webmake_t_init("multilangmetaset");
+use Test; BEGIN { plan tests => 9 };
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$file = q{
+  <metaset id="test">
+       T_i_t_l_e_: type=string default="Default title."
+       _S_c_o_r_e: type=numeric default="20"
+  </metaset>
+  <usemetaset id="test">
+    <content name=foo format="text/et">
+    <wmmeta name="_S_c_o_r_e" value=10 />
+    <wmmeta lang="de" name="T_i_t_l_e_" value="Das ist foo" />
+    This is the foo document. 
+    The title looks like this: $[this.T_i_t_l_e_]
+    The score looks like this: $[this._S_c_o_r_e]
+    </content>
+    <content name=bar format="text/et">
+    <wmmeta name="T_i_t_l_e_" value="Default bar." />
+    <wmmeta lang="de" name="T_i_t_l_e_" value="Das ist bar" />
+    This is the bar document. 
+    The title looks like this: $[this.T_i_t_l_e_]
+    The score looks like this: $[this._S_c_o_r_e]
+    </content>
+    <content name=index format="text/et">
+    Title for foo: ''$[foo.T_i_t_l_e_]'' Foo's score: $[foo._S_c_o_r_e]
+    Title for bar: ''$[bar.T_i_t_l_e_]'' Bar's score: $[bar._S_c_o_r_e]
+    </content>
+    <attrdefault name="lang" value="en" >
+    <out file=log/multilangmetaset.html>${index}${foo}${bar}</out>
+    </attrdefault>
+    <attrdefault name="lang" value="de" >
+    <out file=log/multilangmetaset_de.html>${index}${foo}${bar}</out>
+    </attrdefault>
+  </usemetaset>
+%patterns = (
+  q{Title for foo: "This is foo." Foo's score: 10},    'fooidx',
+  q{Title for bar: "This is bar." Bar's score: 20},    'baridx',
+  q{This is the foo document. The title looks like this: 20},  'foodoc',
+  q{This is the bar document. The title looks like this: This is foo.},
+                                       'bardoc',
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+wmfile ($file);
+ok (wmrun ("-F -f log/test.wmk", \&patterns_run_cb));
diff -Nur HTML-WebMake-2.4-orig/t/multilangmetatable.t 
--- HTML-WebMake-2.4-orig/t/multilangmetatable.t        Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ HTML-WebMake-2.4/t/multilangmetatable.t     Tue Jul 29 20:30:47 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use lib '.'; use lib 't';
+use WMTest; webmake_t_init("multilangmetatable");
+use Test; BEGIN { plan tests => 19 };
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%patterns = (
+  q{Name: foo
+  Title: This is foo
+  Section: sec1
+  Score: 50},
+  'foo_en',
+  q{Name: dir1/bar
+  Title: This is bar
+  Section: sec2
+  Score: 30},
+  'bar_en',
+  q{Name: dir2/dir2a/baz
+  Title: This is baz
+  Section: sec1
+  Score: 20},
+  'baz_en',
+  q{Name: foo
+  Title: Das ist foo
+  Section: sec1
+  Score: 50},
+  'foo_de',
+  q{Name: dir1/bar
+  Title: Das ist bar
+  Section: sec2
+  Score: 30},
+  'bar_de',
+  q{Name: dir2/dir2a/baz
+  Title: Das ist baz
+  Section: sec1
+  Score: 20},
+  'baz_de',
+  q{Name: foo
+  Title: Default foo
+  Section: sec1
+  Score: 50},
+  'foo_fr',
+  q{Name: dir1/bar
+  Title: Default bar
+  Section: sec2
+  Score: 30},
+  'bar_fr',
+  q{Name: dir2/dir2a/baz
+  Title: Default baz
+  Section: sec1
+  Score: 20},
+  'baz_fr',
+ok (wmrun ("-F -f data/$testname.wmk", \&patterns_run_cb));
+checkfile ($testname."_de.html", \&patterns_run_cb);
+checkfile ($testname."_fr.html", \&patterns_run_cb);

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