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Wes Meltzer writes:
> Hey all.
> I have an interesting question for you: I want to run the WebMake CGI on
> my virtual host server (my ISP's system).
> What do I need to do to get the CGI to be able to actually write files
> out? 
> I've always had trouble on my own computer with this, and have solved
> the problem by using 777 permissions on that directory, but that's
> because my web server's only running on my laptop when I need it to be
> and it can be pretty secure as a result.
> Should I be running WebMake setuid as the webserver, or something like
> that? Do I need to put it in a specific place?

Hi Wes --

I generally make sure that the files and directories webmake will be 
writing to, are writable by the user it will run as, and that the
files and dirs it's reading are readable by same.

It doesn't really then matter who it runs as ;)

If you edit all the stuff via the CGI, you can just make sure it's
writable by *just* the CGI user.  That's easy.

Alternatively, if you want to be able to edit as yourself *and* the CGI
user, then making them writable by both users is a better idea; I've made
a WM site writable by several users in the past by making both users share
a UNIX group, chgrp the existing files and dirs to be owned by that group,
and set g+s permissions on the dirs so that new files/dirs use that group.
A bit messy though.

Another solution is the "suexec" wrapper that Apache uses, which
ensures that CGIs run as your own userid.  Most largeish virtual
host providers use this, so that's most likely.

- --j.
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