I downloaded the latest CVS WebMake from sourceforge. I added the "text/sdf" format type to FormatConvert.pm. I used pod_to_html to walk me through, which is evident in the code ;)
So, would this be worthy of being added to WebMake formatters?

Example usage:
<content name="my_sdf_doc" format="text/sdf">
H1: Introduction


H1: Installation

^ Step one
. C<root# my command>
+ Step Two

H1: Post Installation

H2: Configuration

Notable features:
* POD-like commands
* Automatic generation of Table of contents, based on H1,H2,H3,.. sections
* Include directives
* Variable declarations
* Based on sdf-2.001beta

More: http://search.cpan.org/~ianc/sdf-2.001/

I can supply more documentation if needed.




Index: FormatConvert.pm
RCS file: /cvsroot/webmake/webmake/lib/HTML/WebMake/FormatConvert.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -c -r1.18 FormatConvert.pm
*** FormatConvert.pm 20 Nov 2003 19:47:09 -0000 1.18
--- FormatConvert.pm 5 Mar 2004 07:45:21 -0000
*** 23,28 ****
--- 23,31 ----
sub set_converters {
my $self = shift;
+ $self->add_converter ('text/sdf', 'text/html',
+ undef, \&sdf_to_html);
+ $self->add_converter ('text/tt', 'text/html',
'Text::Textile', \&tt_to_html);
*** 212,217 ****
--- 215,255 ----
return $self;
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # SDF stuff
+ + sub sdf_to_html {
+ my ($self,$contobj,$txt) = @_;
+ local($_);
+ + my $tmpin = $self->{main}->tmpdir().'tmp_wm_sdf.'.$$;
+ my $sdf_out = "";
+ + ## SDF requires a .sdf file, does not accept input from STDIN
+ open (SDF_IN, "+>$tmpin") or die "Cannot write to $tmpin";
+ print SDF_IN $txt; undef $txt;
+ close SDF_IN;
+ + ## Call sdf and direct output to STDOUT via '-o-' option
+ open(SDF,"sdf -2html -o- $tmpin |") or die "sdf -2html error : $!";
+ + ## Remove everything between [<html>....<body>]
+ ## and </body></html>
+ my $inside_body = 0;
+ while (<SDF>) {
+ if ($inside_body) {
+ last if /<\/body>/i;
+ + $_ =~ s/<(H|B)R>/<$1R \/>/ig; ## Convert <br>,<hr> to <br />,<hr />
+ $sdf_out .= $_;
+ }
+ elsif (/<body>/i) {
+ $inside_body = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ + $sdf_out;
+ }
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

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