I recently installed WebMake on a client´s Windows box (the client chose
the OS, not me) and encountered a few gotchas. For the sake of anyone
else who might need to get WebMake running on that platform, here´s what
I had to do once WebMake was properly installed:

1. Make the following changes to Main.pm (usually installed to

* Lines 320, 346, and 371: Delete ¨~/¨

2.  Make the following changes to SiteCache.pm (usually installed to

* Lines 72 through 74, 77 through 80, and 83: Comment out these lines
* Line 75: Delete all except ¨goto all_ok;¨

The above is an ugly hack, not a fix. With these changes WebMake treats
the working directory as the home directory, and skips an error checking
routine. But it got WebMake working quickly in a situation when I didn´t
have the time to do it the right way. Perhaps someone will find this to
be of use.

I used WebMake 2.3 for Windows from the WebMake site, ActivePerl from ActiveState, and Windows 2000 Professional SP3. YMMV.
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras

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