Hi Martin,

> in each page I want to get the URL of _this_
> page: I want to make a link
> "translate this page"
> Example:
> >
> All my trys wouldn't work. Please: Tell me how
> to code this for each content page. Pleas give
> me a working example.

what you can do is to define the URL in your ettext file using the wmmeta
tag. E.g.:

<wmmeta name="url" value="http://my.site.name/page/to/translate.html"; />

[[Translate this [TT]]]


If you want a more detailed information (of course, it will be far better
than mine one) first take a look at the Metadata page
(http://webmake.taint.org/doc/metadata.html) and how you can define your own
metadata (http://webmake.taint.org/doc/wmmeta.html)

> My english is bad - I know.

Mine is worst indeeeeeeeeeed :-D

Have fun !!
Víctor A. Rodríguez (http://www.bit-man.com.ar)
El bit Fantasma (Bit-Man)
CaFe.pm - Perl Mongers Capital Federal (http://cafe.pm.org/)
Probaste con Software Libre
(http://www.bit-man.com.ar/cgi-bin/wiki.pl/AyudaCompu/SoftwareLibre ??

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