I constantly have to rebuild if I make a small change and want to recompile. Often, I'll make a change, hit the build button, and I'll get the now famous useless error up top:

Command /Developer/Private/jam failed with exit code 1

If I look at the detail, it says:

javac: no source files

If I wait a minute and try again, it works.

Anyone else experience this?


On Nov 15, 2005, at 3:49 PM, Clark Mueller wrote:

I had noticed this as well - it seems to be a general Java issue, not just WO. I'd be surprised if it was intentional, but it does seem a pretty big bug to miss. I sincerely hope nobody at Apple was really so stupid as to think it was a good idea (and if they were, I feel no shame in calling them that).


On Nov 15, 2005, at 1:26 PM, Lachlan Deck wrote:

Hi Robert,

On 16/11/2005, at 5:52 AM, Robert Walker wrote:

Has anyone else noticed this:

In Xcode 2.2 the top panel shows only:

cannot resolve symbol

The detailed build log show this:

Classes/Session.java:31: cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class NSMutablArray

Note: I basically forced this error to show as an example. Obviously NSMutablArray is incorrect.

This bug greatly reduces the usefulness of the build "overview" panel, as well as the "Errors and Warnings" smart group.

I'll be happy to create a bug report if nobody else has done so already.

I have done so yesterday. This is a bad change and I cannot imagine why it was approved...

All I get is:
"Command /Developer/Private/jam failed with exit code 1"

...and as noted above the smart group is now useless. You can still see the errors via the Build Results window but the other stuff shouldn't have gone away.

Problem id: 4343276
"Please bring back the Build Results Errors for Default Layout!"

I've submitted 4 other bug reports (most of which are for WebObjects Builder)...

with regards,

Lachlan Deck

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