On May 23, 2006, at 1:05 AM, Anjo Krank wrote:

Am 23.05.2006 um 08:25 schrieb Mike Schrag:

I put up some initial docs on the components available in Wonder's Ajax framework to try to address some of the "documentation gap".

Brrr. What a pompous asshole... I thought about writing something re his "myth" stuff, but why bother.

Obviously this mail wasn't meant to be sent to two mailing lists. I apologize for that, but I'm really short fused when I hear this "Wonder has no docs" crap over and over and over again.

Well, I'll let it go this time, but I'm pretty furious about being insulted in public, not to mention having personal information spread across the list. I'm under a lot of stress right now, I didn't need more. If you have a problem with me in the future, talk to me, not the mailing list. Email is an imperfect medium; always assume that how you took something may not be how it was meant. In return, I'd like you to grant me a moment of your time, and listen with an open heart.

In this case, I don't think I said "no docs" I said there was a gap and I wasn't just talking about Wonder, I was talking about WO in general. I'll probably keep bitching about the WO documentation until there's a book at least as good as the Rails book on WebObjects. The newbies need a step by step guide that points them towards D2W and Direct Actions and away from component actions. Even Apple isn't immune, look at store.apple.com or jobs.apple.com.

As far as Wonder goes, I was only referring to the new Ajax Framework of Mike, and it looks like he's doing a great job of addressing it. Good enough in fact, that I'm going to approach him about working together on the Ajax framework instead of rolling my own and having to reconcile them later. I think I'll even contribute to his docs.

But obviously there is a gap, or people wouldn't keep saying "no docs". If one person says "you have a big nose", they're a pompous asshole. If two people say "you have a big nose", they're probably still pompous assholes, but you probably have a big nose. (Note: I have no idea what Anjo looks like.) Even open source/free projects needs to listen to their customers, and in this case, the customers are saying "we'd like more docs".

Now at least part of the problem is that someone new to Wonder is pointed at wonder.sf.net, and sort of left there. Wonder does have "javadoc" documentation that I've been able to find, and I've seen short articles here and there about Wonder, but if you go to wonder.sf.net, there is no tab that says "documentation". I think I found the javadoc documentation by accident via google, later on I found a link in the "news section".

And personally, I think this trend of lazy programmers to just throw together some javadoc documentation and consider themselves done isn't that great. (You'd think they'd at least run doxygen to get slightly better looking docs.) Wonder has gotten fairly big, and now has numerous libraries, some of which are orthogonal to each other. But god knows what exactly you need to install if you want one feature over another... (unless you read the top level README.txt file, but then you've downloaded everything...)

 So Anjo, if you're tired of hearing no docs "crap":

1. Make a web page that links to all the existing Wonder articles and such from sf.net to stepwise or wherever. Put THAT on the getting started page. In general, ask yourself: What can I find out about Wonder from wonder.sf.net? What can I find from Google? Why isn't that the same set of information.

2. Try doxygen instead of javadoc, and put the link up on the main sf site. Reading javadoc makes my eyes bleed.

3. Pull some of the contents from the various README files into web pages on sf.net. Start with the very top README.txt file, there's no reason why someone should have to download the whole set of source code to find out what's in "Adaptors".

4. Break the Orthogonal components into separate downloads so newbies can ease into Wonder.

   I think at least some of the complaints would go away at that point.

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