Jar files are a real travesty but one thing you can exploit is that the name of a jar doesn't matter. What I do is install WebObjects and then label everything in /Library/WebObjects/Extensions so I know what jars were put there by the WO install. Then I renamed all the jars that WebObjects put there by prefixing "wo-" to the name. I don't put anything in /Library/Java/Extensions either.

I did pull saaj.jar and replaced it with the saaj jars from JWSDP 2.0 and I'm not having any conflicts. I think saaj has a validating parser that I needed but the one that ships with WO doesn't validate.

Renaming all the jars really helps when I look on the server and don't know for sure if the jar has been updated.


On Jun 16, 2006, at 2:16 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

This is definitely classpath related ... You have the wrong version of Axis. Make sure you don't have another version in /Library/Java/ Extensions or something that is coming first.

On Jun 16, 2006, at 2:07 PM, jerry porter wrote:

Hello All,

I am trying my hand at webservices in wo.
I have done some in the past but I am having a problem vending one now
I am using WO 5.2.3 on windows.

I doing this in my app's application class
public static void main(String argv[]) {
    WOApplication.main(argv, Application.class);
WOWebServiceRegistrar.registerWebService("MyService", MyService.class, true);

When I access my wsdl document I get the following error:
com.webobjects.foundation.NSForwardException for java.lang.AbstractMethodError at org.apache.axis.AxisEngine.refreshGlobalOptions(AxisEngine.java: 502) at com.webobjects.webservices.support.WOXMLProvider.doConfigureEngine (WOXMLProvider.java:85) at com.webobjects.webservices.support.WOXMLProvider.configureEngine (WOXMLProvider.java:99)

I saw a posting on this from another person, he was suggested to check classpath. I checked mine and the axis support jars ar in it. The same jars I build against.
I suspect I have some kind of versionitis with the axis jars.

Any ideas?

Jerry Porter
2200 Benjamin Franklin Parkway
APT S1114
Philadelphia, PA 19130
(301) 461-3854

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