On 10.07.2006, at 2:34 Uhr, Ian Joyner wrote:

I'm a bit uneasy about your design having as types CONTACT, USER, LIST and then CONTACT_LIST and USER_LIST. This does not suggest inheritance, ...

Let me explain that:

I have a situation where in most situations I want to see all types of contacts in one list. A contact may be a company or a person. An internal user is nothing else but a person with some additional stuff (for login/password and a pretty complex rights management).

A ContactList is a component which can be used to display contacts very generically. Each entity has a subcomponent for the "row level display" and this is dynamically set by a WOSwitchComponent.

A UserList is nothing else but a subclass of ContactList with completely different HTML.

So, the complete page could be like this:

        <MainNavigation />
                <Subnavigation />
                <Some context sensitive stuff />
                <ContactList />
        <Footer />

where ContactList is a subclass of EmbeddedList. EmbeddedList is a very generic component for displaying lists - I can use it directly and configure it with some rules (which properties to display, some stuff how to display the column headers, the columns itself and so on - think of a customized D2W list component) or I can subclass it to use its functions (sorting, fetching, limiting result sets, paging, ... a lot of stuff I use in each and every list I show to the user) and only use customized HTML.

So you can think of "EmbeddedList" as a controller component with a generic but not often used integrated view and and all the other lists just use the functionality, add some custom stuff and use often very different HTML.

Example: I have components in the context sensitive stuff, that are also based on EmbeddedList, and display e.g. "Recently seen contacts" or "Recently changed activities" or whatever - they only push a different set of qualifiers to EmbeddedList and use different HTML. EmbeddedList decides whether to use a ERXBatchingDisplayGroup, a standard display group, applies SortOrderings, gives a generic method for inspecting objects and more. Most of this stuff is configured by rules or by overriden methods in the subclass.

This concept works VERY well for me at the moment, the whole application works this way (with edit pages, search pages, ...). Most of the stuff is based on KeyValueCoding, GenericRecords and some rules to decide what page to use if an object is selected.

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