Funny you should mention that.  I've been thinking about Eclipse vs Xcode, but I just can't make up my mind.

I decided to use Xcode rather than Eclipse in part because it seems clear that eventually Apple will roll EOModeler and WOBuilder into Xcode and it won't be possible to use them from Eclipse anymore.  But then the WOLips team (especially Mike) has been working on replacing those tools with their own, so that's not going to remain a compelling reason for much longer.

The other important difference that has been pointed out to me is that currently only Xcode can build a universal binary.  We don't care about that here, but if I ever wanted to do any Cocoa development I expect that would be an issue.  But Eclipse has to get with that program eventually, right?

The last remaining stumbling block is simply that Xcode is the officially supported IDE, and I get a little nervous when not sticking with the official solution.  OTOH that solution has just bitten me in the behind, so maybe my loyalty is misplaced. :)


On Jul 22, 2006, at 6:30 PM, Ken Anderson wrote:

Use Eclipse!!  :)

On Jul 22, 2006, at 9:23 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, I'll be hornswoggled.  Or however that saying goes.

After going off to do something else, then coming back to  it and not having any more luck, I finally decided to try something I remembered reading about and deleted the build directory.  *Presto* my NPE went away and my BLOB upload is working.

So, I wasn't doing anything wrong, Xcode just got confused.

I feel so much better!  Now I can go watch Bill Maher perform tonight without wondering how to solve this problem. :)


On Jul 22, 2006, at 10:42 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, I think I need some more help here.

I removed one of my WOFileUploads, so now I have a form, with enctype set to "formdata/multi-part", that contains a WOTextField, a WOTextArea, and the one WOFileUpload.  And, of course, a Submit button.

If I bind the data attribute of the WOFileUpload directly to the corresponding attribute in my entity, I get no errors, but the BLOB column in the database remains null.   Same if I bind it to an intermediate variable of type NSData, then use that to set the value of the entity attribute.

I tried adding this line to my saveAction method in, to see if I was actually getting any data from the browser, but it causes a Null Pointer Exception:

NSLog.out.appendln("length of nsdata = " + uploadedThumbnail.length());

So I'm still stuck;  I don't know why I'm getting an NPE, and I don't know how to debug the upload problem.

I will go do some more Googling for other people's file upload problems, but any suggestions would be most appreciated!


On Jul 21, 2006, at 11:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm building my first WO app (not counting the tutorial) and I'm stuck.  First time of many, I'm sure. :)

My goal is to duplicate this site:  We put that together as a temporary site for a former neighbor, who has a license plate museum in his garage.  Right now it's static HTML, and the long-term goal is to build him a really snazzy site to showcase his collection.  But for now I just want to duplicate what's there, which means (disregarding the intro page) I need one display page and one set of add/edit/delete pages.

My entity is called Panel, and I made it through all the EOModeler/FrontBase stuff without too much trouble.  I decided to write the "add" page first, since I need to get something into the database before I can do anything else.  So first I wrote an add page that just handled the title and description, and life is good.  Data is making it's way into the database just fine.

Now I need to handle the thumbnail and full-sized images.  I knew this would be the hard part;  I've seen a number of people having trouble with WOFileUpload.  So I started out simple - no file type checking or anything, just get the data into the database.

The two attributes are called thumbnail and bigImage, and they are both BLOBs on the database side and NSData on the application side.

My first attempt was to put the two WOFileUploads into my form, and bind their data attributes directly to the corresponding entity attributes.  No errors, but no data being saved either.  I tried this first without the enctype set, then with it set to "multipart/form-data".  I also tried binding them to independent NSDatas as well, and then using those to set the ones in the entity, but no luck.  My next step is to check the length of those NSDatas and see if the files are being uploaded at all, but it's late and that will have to wait.

Is there anything obvious I'm doing wrong here?  I thought I read a discussion of this not too long ago on one of the lists, but Google isn't finding it for me.



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