In any case, I respectfully (and without a great deal of deep thought) disagree with your position. I have always appreciated how relatively clean WO left the html template file with the only tag added being a simple <webobjects name=x> tag that our graphics designers had no trouble recognizing or working around.

I still prefer that over the clutter that some of the other web serving technologies leave in their html templates.

  There are good parts and bad parts to the current syntax.

Is <WEBOBJECT name="blah"/> clean? Absolutely. I also think the separation between code and HTML is one of the strengths of WO.

  But doing the following:

 <WEBOBJECT name="form">

  form: WOForm

 Bugs me... I think:

  <FORM woname="form"></FORM>

Would be just as clean, and an HTML editor would know that FORM tags can be enclosed.

If you've ever done complex XML with WO, you can see how it can get weird quick.
  <WEBOBJECT name="foo1">
  <WEBOBJECT name="foo2">
  <WEBOBJECT name="foo3">
  <WEBOBJECT name="foo4">

If I was going to design a new templating system, it would be based on the following ideas:

1. Code and HTML should be separate. So yes, Virginia, there will be .wod files, especially because of feature #3. Rather then be religious about it, some wo declarations can be in the .html, but the wod wins.


 <FONT woname="userFont"></FONT>

 userFont : attributes
 {   name=user.preferences.fontName; }

 Might be less readable/maintainable then:

 <FONT wo:name=user.preferences.fontName></FONT>

So .wod files will be there, which implies a bundle with .api, .java, .woo, but for simple tags, you can omit the declaration. You might not want to, because of feature #3, because if you're doing the same declaration over and over, it makes sense to be in a common .wod.

2. Any tag can be made dynamic by adding the appropriate attribute. An in-html attribute determines the action taken: attributes sets the tag attributes leaving the tag and any contents alone, replace replaces the tag and contents, contents replaces the tag contents. (See HotMeTaL in Zope, Tapestry, etc.) This is especially helpful in XML.

3. .WOD files can #include other files, providing both a primitive form of inheritance (#include <super.wod>) and an easy way to have constant declarations:

timeDisplay: WOString { timeformat=application.localization.timeFormat; }

This would save me cutting/pasting the superclasses .wod file everytime I make a subclass, which means I've just copied all the bugs as well! This would work pretty simply as last binding wins:

foo: WOString { value=x;}
foo: WOString { value=y; dateformat="%b"; }
foo: WOString { value=z; }

results in:

foo: WOString
  value=z; dateformat="%b";

You can remove a binding this way:

  dateformat= <NULL>;

4. It would understand at least one WYSIWYG include mechanism, so that you can use their existing component like architecture. That is, DreamWeaver lets you build sites out of pieces just like WO does.

  5. <optional, because I'm not sure it would work>

There would be a mode you could put the application into that leaves the WO specific stuff in such that an Artist could save the HTML (with sample data!) to disk, edit the HTML and give it back to a programmer.

That is, even as a hard-core-edit-the-raw-HTML person, I'd love to be able
  to store sample data in elements:

  <TD><span woname=ignore>User Name></SPAN></TD>

  What do you think of those principles?


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