Hi All,

Just a reminder, the Chicago CocoaHeads / Chicago Cocoa and WebObjects User Group (CAWUG) is holding our next meeting this coming Tuesday, September 12th, at 6:00 PM at the Apple Store on Michigan Ave.

        - Introductions & Announcements
        - PHP on Mac OS X
        - Post WWDC Wrap up (public info only)
        - Q & A
        - adjournment to O'Toole's

                Tuesday, September 12th, 6:00 PM

                Apple Store Michigan Avenue
                679 North Michigan Ave. (at the corner of Huron & Michigan Ave.)
                Chicago, IL 60611
http://maps.yahoo.com/maps_result? ed=gYbE5Op_0Tokf_p7h61dwjbWtjC2r1YehzWw&csz=60611

- PHP on Mac OS X

I recently had to dive in to a mature PHP project and will discuss my observations of PHP. Summary: PHP can be powerful and cool, but its also very easy to slide into the big ball of mud design pattern (bleh!). Come to the meeting for more discussions of what was good and what was painful.

- Post WWDC Wrapup

We will discuss the public announcements from WWDC and several people that went will share their thoughts (though more of that might actually happen more at O'Tooles :-)

- C4
We will also discuss C4.  http://c4.rentzsch.com/

- O'Tooles
We will continue the discussion at our local watering hold Timothy O'Toole's at 622 Fairbanks (2 blocks east of the store).

We also wish to thank the folks who run the theater space at the Apple store for letting us have our meetings there, Steve Lorenz for hosting our listserve, and Jonathan 'Wolf' Rentzsch for hosting the new and revived CAWUG web site. Thanks all.

Also, if you are working on a project and would like to talk about it briefly / promote it, I think it would be fun for people to hear about other people's projects. Please email me off line and you can talk at a future meeting or would like a book to review. Future meetings dates: 10/10/2005, & 11/14/2006

CAWUG Resources

        Web Site: http://www.cawug.org/
        RSS feed: http://www.cawug.org/rss.xml
        Mail list: http://mail-lists.xantham.net/mailman/listinfo/cawug
iCal: http://ical.mac.com/chicagobob/ Chicago-CocoaHeads-CAWUG (view on the web) iCal: webcal://ical.mac.com/chicagobob/Chicago-CocoaHeads-CAWUG.ics (subscribe to in iCal)

Cocoa Heads web site:

Hope to see you at the meeting.


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