Le 07-04-03 à 00:56, Mike Schrag a écrit :

What I'm trying to do here is to read back in the results of having run convert on an uploaded image file and making a thumbnail from it. The files are being written only for the convenience of convert, so if I could get out of writing them that would be all the better.

What are you using to convert it? AWT is not too bad for a Java solution.
If by "not too bad" you mean "100x slower than native code" ... It all depends on your needs:

* Slow, Easy, Pure Java, Cross Platform = JAI / Java2D (JAI is not hardware accelerated on OS X) * Faster, Pretty Annoying, Native, Mostly Cross Platform (portable c) = System call to ImageMagick * Faster, Way Annoying, Native, Mostly Cross Platform (portable c) = JNI ImageMagick (this has huge memory pitfalls, don't do it)
* Really Fast, Easy, OS X Only = System call to 'sips'
* Super Fast, More Annoying, OS X Only = JNI CoreImage/ImageIO (Brendan posted his version of this on wocode)

Or you can use QuickTime4Java, we use it to convert pictures that people upload with a WOFileUpload. It can work on Windows since QuickTime is available on it (you have to do a custom install on Windows to get QT4J). QT4J use JNI, so I guess the speed is ok.

Sample (sorry for the French names)

import quicktime.util.*;
import quicktime.qd.*;
import quicktime.std.movies.media.*;
import quicktime.std.image.*;
import quicktime.QTSession;

    public static NSData ajoutPhoto(NSData nouvellePhotoData) {
        ImageDescription descOriginale;
        ImageDescription descNouvelle = null;
        float ratio;
        int nWidth = 0;
        int nHeigth = 0;
        Float fWidth;
        Float fHeigth;

        try {
            // Nous devons toujours ouvrir une session QuickTime

QTHandleRef fileContentsHandle = new QTHandle (nouvellePhotoData.bytes()); GraphicsImporter aGraphicsImporter = new GraphicsImporter(new DataRef(fileContentsHandle));

// La classe ImageDescription retourne quelques informations a propos de l'image descOriginale = ImageDescription.fromGraphicsImporter (aGraphicsImporter);

            fWidth = new Float(descOriginale.getWidth());
            fHeigth = new Float(descOriginale.getHeight());
            NumberFormat unDigit = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);

            if (descOriginale.getWidth() > descOriginale.getHeight()) {
                nWidth = 300;
                ratio = fWidth.floatValue() / fHeigth.floatValue();

                if (unDigit.format(ratio).equals("1.5")) {
                    nHeigth = 200;
                } else if (unDigit.format(ratio).equals("1.3")) {
                    nHeigth = 225;
                } else {
                    // C'est quoi ce ratio ??
                    Float dRatio = new Float(ratio);
float ratio3 = (new Float("300.00")).floatValue () / ratio;
                    nHeigth = Math.round(ratio3);
NSLog.out.appendln("Format bizarre de photo: " + unDigit.format(ratio));

            QDRect myFinalRect = new QDRect();

QDGraphics imagesGWorld = aGraphicsImporter.getImageDescription ().newGWorld(0);

            // On ouvre le contenu du fichier original
            QDGraphics myGWorld = new QDGraphics(32, myFinalRect, 0);
            QTImage.decompress(new RawEncodedImage(nouvellePhotoData.bytes()),
                        0 /* srcCopy */);

            // Et on genere la nouvelle image
            RawEncodedImage encodedImage = new RawEncodedImage(1200000, true);

descNouvelle = QTImage.compress(imagesGWorld, myFinalRect, 1024,0x6A706567, /* "JPEG" */ encodedImage);

nouvellePhotoData = new NSData(encodedImage.getBytes(), 0, descNouvelle.getDataSize());

            return nouvellePhotoData;
        } catch (quicktime.std.StdQTException qtex) {
        } catch (quicktime.QTException qtex) {
        return null;

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