I personally stay away from using nested editing contexts, because I have been lost days of development a couple of times now by the state of the database context being mangled inexplicably when using a nested editing context. However, the exact same code works fine whenever I use a peer editing context rather than a nested editing context. No one posting to the list seems to have had these types of problems, however, so it might be specific to something else I was doing, but there is definitely some set of circumstances under which nested editing contexts do not work as advertised (and in a very frustrating, misleading way). At any rate, if you don't need any of the functionality you get from a nested editing context, I would avoid it and just create new (peer) editing contexts as needed.

On May 30, 2007, at 11:56 AM, Guido Neitzer wrote:

On 30.05.2007, at 09:49, Mark Morris wrote:

I might have missed something, but for his case I'm not sure he needs anything more than the default editing context, and since he's new to some of the concepts, that might be easier.

This is never really easier because it is soooo simple to screw up the default editing context and then you can't save anymore and you don't know why because errors happen in completely "unrelated" parts of the object graph.

Just get used to different editing contexts. It makes your life so much easier!

Applications that use only the defaultEditingContext scare me.

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