
I agree with all your points about the way the wiki looks/behaves. And I am approaching it from the POV of somebody who has been doing WO development for coming up on 10 years now (yikes! I'm getting old) and am just hungry for the new information (project Wonder stuff, etc.). So it might not work for newbies. There is a scary amount of info there. It's hard trying to weigh that against all the benefits of the wiki (everybody can post there, it's searchable, etc) and figure out the overall best approach. As long as there is good cross- linking, I suppose everybody wins. Thanks for the input.


On Jun 14, 2007, at 12:29 PM, David LeBer wrote:

On 14-Jun-07, at 8:57 AM, Steven Mark McCraw wrote:

My understanding is that the webobjects wiki book (http:// en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Programming:WebObjects) is trying to become the central point of documentation for WebObjects that people post to. There's already a ton of info there, but we all know it could use a ton more. At WOWODC, when the experts panel was asked what could be done to help with project wonder, this is what they came back with immediately: We need people writing documentation, and this is the place to put it. Even if it's bad, there are so many people watching it that bad info will get edited out quickly.

I think there's a danger in having TOO many informational sites. If everybody decides to wing it because they get on a high at a developer's conference regarding being able to document stuff to widen the movement, I think we will end up with dozens of blogs, half finished tutorials, etc. There's a reason there isn't much documentation on Wonder and WebObjects: writing good documentation is HARD and time consuming, and not a very glamorous task. So if you have 10 spare hours to write a decent article on a very specific issue, I think everybody would be better served if that went to the wikibook. That way, everybody can always point to one resource as definitive.

I don't mean to be preachy about it or rain on anybody's parade that is putting up yet another site about WebObjects. What I just wrote might sound snappy or mean, but I don't mean it that way. I'm just trying to advocate a central repository for everything so people don't have to go here and there to get various pieces of the overall puzzle. Maybe if you start a site, you could also make sure that all of the contents of that site are also posted in the wiki book in the sensible place? Thoughts?

I hear you Steven, so let me be clear my intention is not to replicate or duplicate any of the contents in the wikibook. I agree that it should contain the sum of the real-world knowledge possessed by the community but it does have some failings when it comes to presenting and attractive front to new developers - and they are my focus.

1. It is butt ugly - not that that matters as far as the content is concerned, but compare that with the Rails landing page and we are at a serious disadvantage as far as the perception of new developers.

2. It doesn't support images or other rich media (if I'm wrong let me know). The tutorials I am thinking about are high on visual appeal. My philosophy is: If it looks easy, people will think it *is* easy and if it looks cool, people will think it *is* cool.

3. It can be intimidating to new developers to WO. Pointing a new developer at the wikibook is like pointing someone at Niagara Falls for a glass of water (I just made that up, you can use it if you want :-).


1. A news site that gathers details from the disparate sources and puts them in one place. ie: "ERSlenium.framework just added to Project WONDER" and "WebObjects Wikibook enhanced with new ERSelenium.framwork getting started guide" and "WWDC WebObjects Birds of a Feather - flashback to the summer of love!" etc.

2. A tutorial site that offers task-oriented tutorial snippets. WIth a focus on being well designed, attractive, inviting, and above all easily digestible. Obviously each will contain links to the more detailed documentation contained elsewhere.

Ultimately my focus is to entice new developers to the platform, and realistically the only way to do that is with sites that compete with the other frameworks vying for this mind share (ie: Rails, Django, TurboGears, etc).


David LeBer
Codeferous Software
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