
CoreData - the reincarnated EOF - actually uses sets. Rightfully so. To the model to-many relationships have no order. Actually to a database a to-many relationship is not all that real. It's a by- product of ato-one relationship. Ever noticed that adding an object to a to-many without also adding to the inverse relationship has no effect on persistence?

The mapping of to-many relationships is convenience as they are a business reality. I actually think EOF could do a better job at that. E.g. keeping the object graph consistent.

On the business level it often happens that to-many relationships do come with a natural sort ordering. It would have been nice for EOF to support this. E.g. the model could store a default sort order for to- many relationships. Might be a fun thing trying to enhance EOF to do just that.

A couple of years back Christian Trotobas and I wrote some code that could be reused to do just that. What we wanted were filtered relationships. Objects would have dates of validity. One could specify a current date on the editing context and from then on see only applicable objects in to-many relationships. The code was pretty convoluted and included a subclass of _EOCheapMutableArray and a custom fault handler. If there is interest I might try to dig this stuff up.

Of course there is the much simpler solution of just sorting in memory and caching the sorted member of the relationship.


On Aug 24, 2007, at 7:22 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Aug 23, 2007, at 5:41 AM, Lachlan Deck wrote:
On 23/08/2007, at 1:38 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:
On Aug 22, 2007, at 6:22 PM, Lachlan Deck wrote:
On 23/08/2007, at 10:46 AM, Chuck Hill wrote:
On Aug 22, 2007, at 5:09 PM, Lachlan Deck wrote:

Hi there,

EOEntity has a restrictingQualifier that's applied to every fetch for the relevant entity.

Is there any similar mechanism for installing a default ordering for fetched objects of each entity (e.g., when following a toMany relationship)? Or any delegate methods somewhere?

No. And don't override the EOF methods to do this or you risk messing with EOF. And we all know how that ends up. :-) The reason for the lack of sorting, as I understand it, is that EOF would then need to keep the list sorted each time something was added to it.

It's already keeping them sorted (think about it...). Just not how I'd like.

No, they are not sorted.

Furthermore, it's impossible to fetch records from a database without them sorted in some kind of order.

Where on earth did you get that idea from? An unordered list is not sorted. If there is no ORDER BY clause on a SELECT, the order in the result set is undefined. It most databases it will change over time as the query optimizer changes strategies.

I understand the theory - but I'm talking about reality ;-)

Well...  I would agree that one of us is.  :-)

The point is that once the array has been faulted into memory they have a fixed order whenever that particular relationship is accessed. I would simply like to control the order that these objects are kept in memory so that for the majority of cases no further ordering is necessary.

Fixed order?  Consider:

public NSArray items()  // the to-many relationship
EOEnterpriseObject eo = items().objectAtIndex(0);

OK, now it is the same relationship, the same members, but a different order. Your reality based applications ;-) might be different, but my theoretical ones manipulate to-many relationships. In order to make your idea work, EOF will have to resort the array every time addToItems() is called or (and this is a a big one) when any of the objects in the array have their values changed. That is going to suck up a lot of processor time. If it does not do that, the sorting is useless as you can't depend on it.

To many relationships probably should have been implemented as NSSet not NSArray. Properly they are sets and using NSArray deludes people into thinking it really is an ordered list. I'd guess that they used NSArray to avoid the NSSet overhead of verifying that an object is not in the set before adding it.

I'm simply wanting to override the arbitrary sort order that the database wants to return to suit this particular application.

And what if you wanted alternate sorts?

Simply apply the default sorting in the absence of a specific sort orderings array. Not hard conceptually.

Not sure how that differs from what I suggested and it means two sorts so additional unneeded load on the machine.

Huh. Where's the second sort? i.e., if you happen to have built a custom EOFetchSpecification somewhere in your application that happens to include a non-empty sort orderings array then that would run as normal. Otherwise, the default one applies whilst faulting from the database (not in memory).

Fetch? We are talking about to-many relationships. If I have the objects in a relationship and I want them sorted, why would I fetch them to sort them? I'd just sort them in memory. But they are already sorted another way which was a waste of resources.

The standard approach is to have a cover method that sorts the contents of the relationship and returns it.

Which kinda makes *every* toMany relationship generated from each EOEntity useless don't you think?

I dunno, I have always found them to be be pretty useful.  YMMV.

Like Ken said, ordering is a UI thing.

Personally, I can't see the benefit of continually sorting a keyPath in memory via some ui option every time you access that array rather than once from the fetch where possible...

But then how do you know it is still sorted?



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