Actually, I proposed an idea to FrontBase a while back, but totally forgot to revisit this once they open sourced the plugin. The method you want to look at is in the plugin:

public NSArray newPrimaryKeys(int i, EOEntity eoentity, JDBCChannel jdbcchannel) {

Notice it takes an int? That int is the number of keys it needs. If you extend the plugin, you can provide a more optimal implementation than just a for loop (which is what most of them do in here).


On Oct 30, 2007, at 12:52 AM, Chuck Hill wrote:

Short answer: yes.

Mike recently added something to the FrontBase plugin(?) in Wonder to do this. I imagine that the same thing could be done for Oracle. There are primary key generators in GVCEOFExtensions that also do this (get a batch from the DB and allocate them locally).

The method we used was  in EODatabaseContext's delegate interface,
databaseContextNewPrimaryKey(EODatabaseContext dbCtxt, Object object, EOEntity entity)

I'm not sure what Mike did for his.


On Oct 29, 2007, at 8:49 PM, Owen McKerrow wrote:

Hi All,

Im currently developing an app against a Oracle databas, which uses sequence for generating its Primary Keys.

Is there a way to get WO to request a batch of sequences instead of doing it one at a time ( which is what it appears to be doing when you output the SQL ). For example I am doing 1 save to the database that is inserting 142 rows into 1 table, 142 into a second and 711 into a third. Each of the 142 row table inserts takes 2 seconds to return all of the sequence while the 711 inserts take's 8 seconds to get the sequences. Thats 12 seconds used before it even starts the INSERT statements, which take another 2, 2 and 8 respectively. Meaning the total save time is 24 seconds ( with SQL debugging turned on, its a little quicker with it turned off ).

Please someone tell me Im doing something dumb, or that there is a better way.

Heres a cut down version of the SQL output......

14:22:44,154 DEBUG [WorkerThread2] (RQFBOWSelection:286 setUpPublicationsList) - Save Start. 14:22:44,415 DEBUG [WorkerThread2] (Log.NSLogDebug:1546 appendln) - === Begin Internal Transaction 14:22:44,416 DEBUG [WorkerThread2] (Log.NSLogDebug:1546 appendln) - evaluateExpression: <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OraclePlugIn $OracleExpression: "SELECT, t0.ABSTRACT FROM PUB_ABSTRACT t0 WHERE = ?" withBindings: 1:8657(pubID)>

Repeated 141 for 2 secconds

14:22:46,521 DEBUG [WorkerThread2] (Log.NSLogDebug:1546 appendln) - === Begin Internal Transaction 14:22:46,522 DEBUG [WorkerThread2] (Log.NSLogDebug:1546 appendln) - evaluateExpression: <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OraclePlugIn $OracleExpression: "SELECT RQF_GRP_PSN_PUB_SEQ.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL">

Repated 142 for  2 seconds

14:22:48,045 DEBUG [WorkerThread2] (Log.NSLogDebug:1546 appendln) - === Begin Internal Transaction 14:22:48,046 DEBUG [WorkerThread2] (Log.NSLogDebug:1546 appendln) - evaluateExpression: <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OraclePlugIn $OracleExpression: "SELECT AUDIT_LOG_SEQ.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL">

Repeated 711 for  8 seconds

14:22:56,928 DEBUG [WorkerThread2] (Log.NSLogDebug:1546 appendln) - === Begin Internal Transaction 14:22:56,929 DEBUG [WorkerThread2] (Log.NSLogDebug:1546 appendln) - evaluateExpression: <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OraclePlugIn $OracleExpression: "SELECT RQF_PUB_SEQ.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL">
Repeated 141 for . 2 seconds
14:22:58,782 DEBUG [WorkerThread2] (Log.NSLogDebug:1546 appendln) - === Begin Internal Transaction 14:22:58,783 DEBUG [WorkerThread2] (Log.NSLogDebug:1546 appendln) - evaluateExpression: <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OraclePlugIn $OracleExpression: "INSERT INTO RQF_PUB(NOTES, OUTLET_ANGLICISED_TITLE, LANGUAGE_OF_TITLE, LOCKED, TYPE_OTHER_DESCRIPTION, METRICS_IDENTIFIER, OUTPUT_IDENTIFIER, RQF_PUB, ENGLISH_TITLE, PUB, IS_REPRINT, SENSITIVITY_EXPLAINATION, AVALIABLE_YEAR, ANGLICISED_TITLE, IS_COMMERCIAL_SENSITIVE, TYPE_CODE, IS_CULTURALSENSITIVE, OUTLET_RANKING_IDENTIFIER, AVAILABILITY_FORM, OUTLET_ENGLISH_TITLE, AVAIL_STATUS_CODE, NON_REPOSITORY_JUSTIFICATION, YEAR_VARIANCE_JUSTIFICATION, RQF_YEAR) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, ?, NULL, NULL, NULL, ?, NULL, ?, ?, NULL, NULL, NULL, ?, NULL, ?, NULL, NULL, NULL, ?, NULL, NULL, ?)" withBindings: 1:0(locked), 2:2266(rqfPUBID), 3:8430(pubID), 4:0(reprint), 5:0(commercialSensative), 6:0(culturalSensative), 7:"R"(availabilityStatusCode), 8:21(rqfYearID)>

Repeatd 142  for  2 seconds

14:22:59,717 DEBUG [WorkerThread2] (Log.NSLogDebug:1546 appendln) - evaluateExpression: <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OraclePlugIn $OracleExpression: "INSERT INTO RQF_GRP_PSN_PUB(PERSON, RQF_PUB, GRP, RQF_GRP_PSN_PUB, TYPE) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" withBindings: 1:12545(personID), 2:2342(rqfPubID), 3:373(groupID), 4:2542(rqfGrpPersonPubID), 5:1(type)>

Repeatd 141 for  2 seconds

14:23:00,368 DEBUG [WorkerThread2] (Log.NSLogDebug:1546 appendln) - evaluateExpression: <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OraclePlugIn $OracleExpression: "INSERT INTO AUDIT_LOG(CLASSES_NAME, ATTRIBUTES_NAME, person, old_value, RIS_SESSION_ID, message, new_value, audit_log, ip_address, when, OBJECTS_PK) VALUES (?, ?, ?, NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" withBindings: 1:"Publication"(classesName), 2:"rqfDetails"(attributesName), 3:3462(person_fk1), 4:"hSSnp5XU8DNKnd0MFSCRHM"(risSessionID), 5:"RELATIONSHIP_ADDED"(message), 6:"RQFPub:({values = {notes = <$Null>; typeCode = <$Null>; languageOfTitle = <$Null>; locked = 0; metricsIdentifier = < $Null>; outputIdentifier = <$Null>; titleInEnglish = <$Null>; rqfYear = "<RQFYear f2486b _EOIntegralKeyGlobalID[RQFYear (java.lang.Long)21]>"; publication = "<Publication 5d9805 _EOIntegralKeyGlobalID[Publication (java.lang.Long)10988]>"; reprint = 0; rqfGroupPersonBOWPubs = ("<RQFGroupPersonPubBOW e66ae7 <EOTemporaryGlobalID: 0 0 -126 -126 72 73 0 0 -39 3 -101 0 0 0 1 21 -18 -19 -49 65 -71 -42 -47 95>>"); sensitivityExplaination = <$Null>; avaliabilityYear = <$Null>; anglicisedTitle = < $Null>; commercialSensative = 0; rqfGroupPersonOldBOWPubs = (); rqfGroupPersonNRPubs = (); anglicisedOutletsTitle = <$Null>; outletRankingIdentifier = <$Null>; culturalSensative = 0; otherTypeDescription = <$Null>; avalaibleFrom = <$Null>; outletsTitleInEnglish = < $Null>; availabilityStatusCode = "R"; nonRepositoryJustification = <$Null>; yearVariationJustification = <$Null>; }; this = "<RQFPub 10347e <EOTemporaryGlobalID: 0 0 -126 -126 72 73 0 0 -39 3 -102 0 0 0 1 21 -18 -19 -49 65 -71 -42 -47 95>>"; }) {null}"(newValue), 7:1324858(audit_log_pk), 8:"/"(ipAddress), 9:2007-10-30 14:22:44(when), 10:10988(objectsPK)>

Repeated 717 for 8 seconds

14:23:08,538 DEBUG [WorkerThread2] (Log.NSLogDebug:1546 appendln) - === Commit Internal Transaction 14:23:08,575 DEBUG [WorkerThread2] (RQFBOWSelection:289 setUpPublicationsList) - Save End.

Owen McKerrow
WebMaster, emlab
Ph : +61 02 4221 5517

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time and still be able to function.'
-F.Scott Fitzgerald,

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