Hi, Chuck,

Thanks for taking a look. I did some Googling before either fixing the problem or posting the issue on the list.

I'll try to put a simple example together this weekend and get it to fail in the same way. Then I'll ship it off to Apple's Radar.


On Nov 9, 2007, at 12:56 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

Thought about this for a while. The only explanation that I can come up with is "a bug in EOF". I don't recall anyone having run into this, but that does not mean much.


On Nov 8, 2007, at 5:28 AM, Jerry W. Walker wrote:


I don't seem to be getting the correct SQL generated for a query and I'm ending up with redundant results. I've fixed the problem by adding an additional explicit EOQualifier to do the job that I think that EOF should be doing, so this is no longer an immediate problem. However, I'd like to throw the question out to the list to determine if: 1) I'm doing anything wrong to cause the SQL to be generated the way it is, or 2) whether there's a bug in EOF that I should report (or have known about if already reported).

        WO 5.3
        OpenBase 10.0

We have an EOModel with several entities, say, Student, School, Teacher, etc. that have locations. The Location entity contains address, city, state, postalCode, phone, and so forth. Using single-table inheritance, We have several subentities for location to match the entities being located, such as StudentLocation, SchoolLocation, TeacherLocation, etc.

Each of the entities with locations has a one-to-many relationship with the appropriate subentity for its locations, such as:

Student <->> StudentLocation

School <->> SchoolLocation

Teacher <->> TeacherLocation

The parent Location entity has a partyID attribute to hold the foreign key for the to-one relationship back to the located entity and, of course, a locationType attribute to distinguish among the Location subentities.

We also use a State reference table/entity to hold the state's full name (e.g. "New York") and the state's abbreviation (e.g. "NY").

To search for all male students in New York, NY with an "Underwater Basketweaving" major, I use the following code to build and execute the fetch:

        static final NSArray preFetchKeyPaths = new NSArray(new Object[] {

        EOQualifier qual;
        NSMutableArray theQualifiers = new NSMutableArray();
qual = EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat ("locations.state.abbreviation caseInsensitiveLike %s", new NSArray (selectedStateAbbreviation));
qual = EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat("locations.city caseInsensitiveLike %s", new NSArray(selectedCityName));
qual = EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat("major caseInsensitiveLike %s", new NSArray(selectedMajor.name()));
EOFetchSpecification fs = new EOFetchSpecification ("StudentRecord", new EOAndQualifier(theQualifiers), null); LOGGER.debug("Get the DoctorRecords with qualifiers = " + new EOAndQualifier(theQualifiers).toString());
        filteredDoctors = ec.objectsWithFetchSpecification(fs);

The problem occurs if a Student happens to have the same address as a Teacher or School. The SQL that's generated for the above fetch is as follows:

[2007-11-06 09:33:14 EST] <WorkerThread1> evaluateExpression: <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OpenBasePlugIn$OpenBaseExpression: "SELECT t0.MAJOR, t0.EMAIL_ADDRESS, t0.FIRST_NAME, t0.LAST_NAME, ..., FROM STUDENT_RECORD t0, STATE T2, LOCATION T1 WHERE (UPPER(T2.ABBREVIATION) LIKE UPPER(?) AND UPPER(T1.CITY) LIKE UPPER(?) AND UPPER(t0.MAJOR) LIKE UPPER(?)) AND T1.STATE_ID = T2.OID AND t0.OID = T1.PARTY_ID" withBindings: 1:"NY"(abbreviation), 2:"New York"(city), 3:"Underwater Basketweaving"(major)>

I don't understand why EOF doesn't automatically add the WHERE clause: "t0.LOCATION_TYPE = ? AND ".

Notice the setPrefetchingRelationshipKeyPaths statement. That causes the generation of the following SQL statements as well, which EACH INCLUDE THE LOCATION_TYPE CLAUSE appropriately:

[2007-11-08 07:33:14 EST] <WorkerThread1> evaluateExpression: <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OpenBasePlugIn$OpenBaseExpression: "SELECT t0.ADDRESS_1, t0.ADDRESS_2, t0.CITY, t0.PARTY_ID, t0.LOCATION_TYPE, t0.OID, t0.PHONE_NUMBER, t0.POSTAL_CODE, t0.STATE_ID, t0.ZIP_CODE_ID FROM LOCATION t0, STUDENT T1, STATE T2 WHERE (t0.LOCATION_TYPE = ? AND (UPPER(T1.MAJOR) LIKE UPPER(?) AND UPPER(t0.CITY) LIKE UPPER(?) AND UPPER(T2.ABBREVIATION) LIKE UPPER (?))) AND t0.PARTY_ID = T1.OID AND t0.STATE_ID = T2.OID" withBindings: 1:6(locationType), 2:"Underwater Basketweaving"(major), 3:"New York"(city), 4:"NY"(abbreviation)>

[2007-11-08 07:33:14 EST] <WorkerThread1> evaluateExpression: <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OpenBasePlugIn$OpenBaseExpression: "SELECT DISTINCT t0.ABBREVIATION, t0.NAME, t0.OID FROM STATE t0, LOCATION T1, STUDENT T2 WHERE ((UPPER(t0.ABBREVIATION) LIKE UPPER (?) AND UPPER(T1.CITY) LIKE UPPER(?) AND UPPER(T2.MAJOR) LIKE UPPER (?)) AND T1.LOCATION_TYPE = ?) AND t0.OID = T1.STATE_ID AND T1.PARTY_ID = T2.OID" withBindings: 1:"NY"(abbreviation), 2:"New York"(city), 3:"Underwater Basketweaving"(major), 4:6(locationType)>

[2007-11-08 07:33:14 EST] <WorkerThread1> evaluateExpression: <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OpenBasePlugIn$OpenBaseExpression: "SELECT DISTINCT t0.LATITUDE, t0.LONGITUDE, t0.OID, t0.ZIP_CODE FROM ZIP_CODE_LOCATION t0, STUDENT T3, LOCATION T1, STATE T2 WHERE ((UPPER(T2.ABBREVIATION) LIKE UPPER(?) AND UPPER(T1.CITY) LIKE UPPER(?) AND UPPER(T3.MAJOR) LIKE UPPER(?)) AND T1.LOCATION_TYPE = ?) AND T1.PARTY_ID = T3.OID AND t0.OID = T1.ZIP_CODE_ID AND T1.STATE_ID = T2.OID" withBindings: 1:"NY"(abbreviation), 2:"New York"(city), 3:"Underwater Basketweaving"(major), 4:6(locationType)>

To circumvent the problem, I've added an EOQualifier for locationType explicitely, but I don't understand why I should have had to do this.

Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions.


__ Jerry W. Walker,
WebObjects Developer/Instructor for High Performance Industrial Strength Internet Enabled Systems

    203 278-4085        office

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