
I think this is one of the clearest explanations of the EOEditingContext I've seen. That used to trip me up a lot when first learning WO. I used the session's defaulting editing context for all kinds of stuff. I just thought that was the right way by reading the documentation on EOF. It wasn't until later that I discovered all the problems that created.

I agree use the default editing context sparingly, and then only to read not write. Even then only use it to store data that really doesn't change much.

Thanks for this, not necessarily for my sake, but for others that may fall into this not-so-obvious trap.

On Dec 7, 2007, at 3:56 PM, Pierre Bernard wrote:

It is important to see the EOEditingContext as a sandbox. It's the EC that contains your unsaved changes. It's not the "EOF stack" that is clogged with pending updates. Other clients of the EOF stack will not even see your local changes until they are committed.

When saving fails over a validation error, you get a chance to modify your sandbox until it is in a valid state.

This also implies that your EC should preferably have a rather short lifespan and a limited scope. E.g. it should no live for as long as your application instance and carry uncommited data between unrelated bits of code.

I for one consider the session default editing context to be mostly a convenience for smaller applications. I use it only to load data that shares the lifespan of the session. And I never ever use this context for write operations.


On Dec 7, 2007, at 5:03 PM, Alan Ward wrote:

The unsaved objects(s) are still in your EOEditingContext and thus any future attempts to save will try to save them again (along with any subsequent changes). The approach that you describe below is not the best one. What you want to do is to catch the exception from ec.saveChanges() and depending on what caused it either a) fix your code to prevent it happening, b) modify the EO's in your EC such that they can be saved or c) revert the EC and abandon the unsaved changes. If you do none of the above and keep trying to save that editingContext then you'll just keep getting
the same error as EOF tries to persist your changes to the database.


On Dec 7, 2007, at 8:48 AM, Greg Lappen wrote:

Hi all,

I just recently ran into an issue where my application tried to save a new object to the database, the save failed, and every subsequent save failed with the same error. It seems that WebObjects maintains a queue of updates/saves to write to the database, and when one fails, it essentially clogs up the queue because WO keeps trying to save it eveytime someone calls saveChanges() on an editing context. What I'd like to do is set up a global exception handler in my application that runs whenever an exception is not caught by my code, and in that error handler I want to reset the whole EnterpriseObject stack - the cache, the update/save queue, everything - so that other work in the application can continue and not worry about cache corruption or anything like that.

Is this possible to do?  Anyone know how to do it?

Thanks so much for any help.

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