Hi Pascal,

Thank you for your suggestions.

However, "ls -la" nor spotlight, show that no files were produced at all. Why can JavaEOGenerator not produce any files; nobody seems to know....

Hopefully Velocity will be able produce actual files.

Is there any more help/tutorials than: http://wiki.objectstyle.org/ confluence/display/WOL/Velocity+EOGenerator+%28Veogen%29

With Kind Regards,

Dennis Gaastra, M.B.A.[sfu.ca], B.Sc.[ubc.ca]
Chief Technology Officer,

On 13-Jan-08, at 5:31 PM, Pascal Robert wrote:

Just to make sure, did you uncheck the _EOGenerator files filter ?

<Image 7.png>

<Image 8.png>

BTW, if you don't have any special EOGenerator templates to migrate from the "old" EOGenerator, you can use Velocity EOGenerator, it's build in into WOLips and works quite well in my tests.

Hi Art et al,

Yes, this is exactly what happened - saw path in verbose - when destination was not specified. But in any case, there were NEVER any actual files produced. Yes, please email the corrected version; or where can we download the newest version? Hopefully one that actually produces any files. :)

Or is this because we have not used any prototypes in our eomodels?

Is there an easier way to generate the Java classes from "EntityModeler", like the "Java" button in the old "EOModeler.app"?

With Kind Regards,

Dennis Gaastra,

On 13-Jan-08, at 12:33 AM, Art Isbell wrote:

On Jan 12, 2008, at 8:12 PM, Gaastra Dennis - WO Lists wrote:

Running JavaEOGenerator seems to find the model correctly, but produces no files (although it claims it does)

../JavaEOGenerator.woa/JavaEOGenerator -model /Users/sjobs/ Documents/JavaEOGenerator/bizDAV_Stuff/bizDAV.eomodeld/ -verbose -destination /Users/sjobs/Documents/JavaEOGenerator/bizDAV_Stuff -subclassDestination /Users/sjobs/Documents/JavaEOGenerator/ bizDAV_Stuff -templatedir /Users/sjobs/Desktop/JavaEOGenerator/ Templates - subclassJavaTemplate JavaSubclassSourceEOF5.eotemplate -packagedirs -force

This generates class and subclass files for me ("..." == long paths):

.../JavaEOGenerator.woa/JavaEOGenerator -model .../ DialogDatabase.eomodeld -templateDir .../JavaEOGenerator/ Templates -destination /Users/art/Desktop -javaTemplate .../ Templates/JavaSourceEOF54.eotemplate -subclassJavaTemplate .../ Templates/JavaSubclassSourceEOF5.eotemplate Bundle

JavaEOGenerator source is available. Early source included a bug that prevented class and subclass files from being generated in the -destination directory. Instead, they were written in .../ JavaEOGenerator.woa. If you find your generated file there, let me know so I can tell you how to fix this bug.


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