Hi All,

My father just sent me the following email which came across on the Quicktime for Java mailing list. I thought some of you may be interested.....

Owen McKerrow
WebMaster, emlab
Ph : +61 02 4221 5517

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "As of tomorrow, employees will only be able to access the building using individual security cards. Pictures will be taken next Wednesday employees will receive their cards in two weeks."
- "Dilbert Quotes" Winner, Fred Dales, Microsoft Corp

Begin forwarded message:

Today's Topics:

  1. Announce: Rococoa (Duncan McGregor)

--------------------------------------------------------------------- -

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 13:05:21 +0000
From: "Duncan McGregor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Announce: Rococoa
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I think that I hinted a while back that I was working on a Java
wrapper for QTKit on the Mac. I'm now pleased to announce that Rococoa
has been released as an open source project under LGPL.

"Rococoa is a generic Java binding to the Mac Objective-C object
system. It allows the creation and use of Objective-C objects in Java,
and the implementation of Objective-C interfaces in Java."

As part of the Rococoa distribution we wrap some of the QTKit
essentials, allowing Mac users to display a movie in a frame, play it,
get at its tracks and media etc.
Everything is at a very early stage, but it seems solid enough to play with. If you've a Mac and an hour free please do give it a go, as what
it needs most is feedback.

Rococoa can be found on java.net, here:

Please provide feedback on the user or dev mailing lists, accessible here:




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