The fact that Chuck didn't come up with this makes me doubt my memory, but...

It seems that when I've run into this in my applications, it usually means that between the time the EO was read out of the database, and the time it is written back in, something in one of the locking fields changed, or the field isn't "locking-friendly" in that WO has a difficult time reading the datatype of the DB field and converting it into the requested Java datatype and then converting it back and coming up with the original value. I know with MS SQL Server that long text fields are a problem.

I _believe_ (please correct me if I'm wrong) when EOF does an update, it does it along the lines of "UPDATE TABLE WHERE ATTRIBUTE_1 = x, ATTRIBUTE2 = y, etc" where the attribute values are from the original reading of the record.

The problem is that the UPDATE can't find any records matching the original attributes, and therefore didn't "select" any rows for updating.


On Apr 1, 2008, at 6:06 PM, Johan Henselmans wrote:

com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOGeneralAdaptorException: lockRowComparingAttributes -- com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.JDBCChannel: lock operation failed to select any rows

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