

On Apr 5, 2008, at 1:30 PM, Yury Peskin wrote:

I'm getting ready to deploy my app and I'm having a problem. The app starts if I start it from the command line, but not from the monitor. The log of the started app is below.
Any ideas?

Reading MacOSClassPath.txt ...
Launching proofs.woa ...
java -XX:NewSize=2m -Xmx64m -Xms32m -DWORootDirectory="/System" - DWOLocalRootDirectory="" -DWOUserDirectory="/Library/WebObjects/ Applications/proofs.woa" -DWOEnvClassPath="" - DWOApplicationClass=Application -DWOPlatform=MacOS - -classpath WOBootstrap.jar com.webobjects._bootstrap.WOBootstrap
appRoot is /Library/WebObjects/Applications/proofs.woa/Contents
Loading /Library/WebObjects/Applications/proofs.woa/Contents/MacOS/ MacOSClassPath.txt
Generated classpath:
/Library/WebObjects/Applications/proofs.woa/Contents/Resources/Java/ proofs.jar /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaFoundation.framework/Resources/Java/ javafoundation.jar /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaEOControl.framework/Resources/Java/ javaeocontrol.jar /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaEOAccess.framework/Resources/Java/ javaeoaccess.jar /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaWebObjects.framework/Resources/Java/ javawebobjects.jar /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaWOExtensions.framework/Resources/ Java/JavaWOExtensions.jar /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaXML.framework/Resources/Java/ javaxml.jar /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaJDBCAdaptor.framework/Resources/Java/ javajdbcadaptor.jar
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOMaxIOBufferSize=8196
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOWorkerThreadCountMin=16
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOSocketMonitorSleepTime=50
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WODirectConnectEnabled=true
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOIncludeCommentsInResponse=false
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOWorkerThreadCount=8
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> 
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOPlatform=MacOS
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WODebuggingEnabled=true
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOEnvClassPath=
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOListenQueueSize=128
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOMissingResourceSearchEnabled=true
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOSessionStoreClassName=WOServerSessionStore
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOContextClassName=WOContext
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOCachingEnabled=false
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOApplicationClass=Application
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOAcceptMalformedCookies=false
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> NSProjectSearchPath=("..")
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOMonitorEnabled=false
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOAllowRapidTurnaround=true
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WORootDirectory=/System
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOLocalRootDirectory=
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOGenerateWSDL=true
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOWorkerThreadCountMax=256
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOAllowsConcurrentRequestHandling=false
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOAdaptor=WODefaultAdaptor
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOSessionTimeOut=3600
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOMaxSocketIdleTime=180000
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WODefaultUndoStackLimit=10
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOAutoOpenClientApplication=true
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOAutoOpenInBrowser=true
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOApplicationBaseURL=/WebObjects
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOMaxHeaders=200
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOLifebeatEnabled=true
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOAllowsCacheControlHeader=true
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOSMTPHost=smtp
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOFrameworksBaseURL=/WebObjects/ Frameworks
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOAdditionalAdaptors=()
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOLifebeatDestinationPort=1085
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOPort=-1
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOLifebeatInterval=30
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOSocketCacheSize=100
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WOUserDirectory=/Library/WebObjects/ Applications/proofs.woa
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> WODisplayExceptionPages=true
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> = 1046
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> ------------------------
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> Created adaptor of class WODefaultAdaptor on port 51828 and address trinity/ with WOWorkerThread minimum of 16 and maximum of 256 [2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> NSBundle is unable to find "ExtensionsForResources.plist" in the main bundle. Ignoring optional configuration file. [2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> Cannot use rapid turnaround. Please start Xcode and open the project for this application. [2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> Creating LifebeatThread now with: proofs 51828 trinity/ 1085 30000
Welcome to proofs!
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> Unable to locate WOOpenURL on your computer, AutoOpen launch will not work
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> Opening application's URL in browser:
[2008-04-05 14:26:26 CST] <main> Waiting for requests...

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