1) Ubuntu 8.04 - download and install completed, but had some problems
It appears you did not have root privileges when you installed eclipse, or something happened when the file was unzipped and the executable bit was not retained. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 21423 2008-02-28 01:04 eclipse should be rwx-rx-rx, do a chmod +x ./eclipse and see if it starts after you do that.

wobuild.properties doesn't have the correct path to the wo libraries. Should be in /Apple (that's the path I entered).

Did you do a browse or select? Send me the console output, it outputs the directories that are entered by the user.

3) Repeat Windows attempt - failed during download (same way)
This has to do with your connectivity to the server we are downloading from. Your connection is being reset either because your line is too slow, or you have lost connectivity, and the remote server is forcing a reset, or you have attempted to download too many times and they have reset you.

C:\My Apple Stuff
The WebObjects should not have any spaces in the name. I will enforce this in the Installer.

java.net.UnknownHostException: ftp.osuosl.org
At this point your network is totally down (DNS resolution). Check your DNS, if you are unable to resolve ftp.ousosl.org then there is something wrong with your DNS server, try a new one.

java.net.UnknownHostException: webobjects.mdimension.com
Again this is a DNS error, meaning your network connection has died and the server cannot be resolved or your DNS server is bad, try a new one.

No error was displayed except in the console, which is bad if this app will be run without the console (which I hope it will). The error should be displayed to the user so they know that it blew up and that they should just sit and wait anymore.
I just added code today to notify the user an error occurred and to clean up the installed files to return the system to the previous state.

I think the approach here needs to be re-thought. The size of the download is so big that failure is highly likely, especially on a slower connection. The problem is that failure requires the entire process to be done again regardless of what may have already been completed. It would be better to either: 1) preserve the completed downloads and restart only the failed one from scratch
The completed downloads are retained, if you look in the directory you start the installer from you will see the eclipse.zip file and WOLips.tar.gz file. Since the installer is not a web browser and java does not support restartable downloads over http, without writing an entirely new class, this will probably not happen.

2) preserve the completed downloads and resume the failed one from where the download was interrupted, or
See Above

3) bundle the non-proprietary portions into the installer instead of downloading them on the fly so that the user can handle resuming interrupted downloads. This wouldn't solve the problem alone, but could help.
There are no none proprietary portions of the download. Everything in the downloads is licensed. I am not allowed to include any of them as a re-distributable archive. In the case of WOLips, bug fixes happen weekly, the installer would have to be rewritten every week to include the new compiled features and plug-ins, no one has time to do this and upload it every week or two weeks. Which is why there has not been an installer to date.

2) Repeat Windows attempt - failed during download. This one hung with downloading eclipse at 96%. There was not any error in the terminal. I think I had to kill the program to end it.
This has happened to me once I believe it is caused by a Java Garbage collection bug.

The installer never exited or showed a finish button. The progress got to 100%, but then nothing happened. Clicking the X for the window prompted, "Do you really want to exit?", to which my answer is, "I'm not really sure, I don't know if it's done yet." But I exited and it seemed to be ok. If this is intentional, I strongly recommend adding a finish button to the installer.
This was not intentional, there is a finish page. I was working on this issue today.

Trying to install to an existing folder showed an empty dialog. Repeating this a couple time, I couldn't recreate it, but I got a screenshot.
Please provide the version of Java you are using, This only occurs when displaying custom dialogs, in this case, the system is telling you that you cannot install to an existing directory.

Another time, when I clicked the X to exit the installer, the dialog cut off all but the very tops of the two buttons so I didn't know which to push. I think I have a screenshot at home I can grab later.
This is a Java Error, If you have a stack trace I can try to track it down.

The installer shows the total space needed for installation as 8.9 MB, which is wrong. If the actually size isn't really known, it would be better to not display anything here.

This is automated, I will remove it.

After the installation completes the installer should indicate where to go and what to do to get started, like where to find eclipse to run it.
The installer has a finish page, which I believe I fixed to display today. I can put a blurb in the Finish screen telling them to start Eclipse.

When eclipse loads the first time, it starts in the Java EE perspective, which is not ideal. Can it start in the WOLips perspective?
There are some things I cannot do, mostly due to constraints on time maintaining an custom eclipse installation, downloading 5 different versions of Eclipse and zipping them up as custom distributable is one of those things. Eclipse can be branded and distributed but I believe there is an approval process for this type of distribution.

FYI, the documentation pointed at by wo.dir.reference.api is missing. This is a needed addition since the javadoc in eclipse relies on this information.
There is no documentation contained in the installer. The line in the WOBuild file is there because Eclipse wants it there. I can look into including the JavaDoc documentation for WebObjects.

Also, I don't see the WO examples either. These are also important to provide to new users.
WO examples are part of XCode,we would have to download the entire XCode and then parse it out to find the examples, and then extract them. Sorry, a user can download these. This is an installer to get the up and running, not everyone is going to want the examples, and they are a relatively small download and can be placed anywhere on the hard disk. We cannot just zip up the WO Examples directory and include them in an archive they belong to Apple Inc.

The WOOpenURL program or a replacement should be included both for Windows and Linux. I can provide a native app for Windows if you want. Alternatively, you could use the SWT Program class to open the browser (since swt is already installed with eclipse).
If there is a patch for the WOOpenURL application which works for every OS platform, even if it is separate executables for each platform, I am happy to include it if I have links to where the apps can be downloaded and the file name listing and installation instructions for those applications.

It would be cool if there was a checkbox to download and install the latest Project Wonder.

One step at a time.

And it would be really great if the installer could set up the apache or cgi adaptor so you could develop in web mode instead of direct connect.
I would love that! And I might be able to do it in the future, there are too many steps and too many changes, a well as compilation of the adaptor, to be able to include in an installer which is meant to cross platforms.

It would be helpful if you could choose which parts to install, like just WO without eclipse.
There is already an installer of this type. http://webobjects.mdimension.com/wolips/WOInstaller.jar installs just WO

Thanks for all the great input.

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