On Feb 27, 2009, at 6:10 AM, Stamenkovic Florijan wrote:
On Feb 26, 2009, at 22:22, Chuck Hill wrote:


I am old.  My memory is weak.  Less snips help.

How?  Where?

willRead(), willReadRelationship(Object)


Have stack traces?

See below. Sorry about not providing them before, that was silly.

How come this particular exception happens in a multi-threaded scenario and not in a single threaded scenario?

Hint: more than one thread.  :-)  Concurrency

woooow, ya think? :-P

Dunno, just a guess.  ;-)

(Also note that the lock object is not public, it's lock() and unlock() methods are exposed through the public API of EODistributedObjectStore). Assuming that ReenetrantLock is not buggy, the only way I can imagine to get this exception is doing the equivalent of:

if(accessingThreadCount > 1) // super-evil

If anyone else knows another way, please let me know. I can't think of one, and am amazed to see it happening.

In the meanwhile, I admit defeat, and go back to single threaded EOF operations.

An exception resulting in an unlock upon which the other thread locks it and then a finally block unlocking it again in the first thread?

Interesting idea, however... Let's say that this exception you mention gets thrown in a single threaded scenario. It would still result in more calls to unlock() then to lock(). The IllegalMonitorStateException would be thrown at either of the last two unlock() calls. So, we can assume it does not happen in a single threaded scenario, since the monitor exception is not thrown.

You would get a different error (attempt to unlock an unlocked lock?) if ReentrantLock even throws on that condition.

Which means that it only happens in a multi threaded scenario. So, it still falls under the category of the idiotic idiom:

if(accessingThreadCount > 1)
        throw SomeException();

Or not?

I still rather doubt that.  :-)

Output logged from my EC's lockObjectStore() and unlockObjectStore() methods. There is only one EC.

will lock: JBND worker thread
did lock: JBND worker thread
will unlock: JBND worker thread
did unlock: JBND worker thread
will lock: AWT-EventQueue-0
did lock: AWT-EventQueue-0
will lock: JBND worker thread
did lock: JBND worker thread
will unlock: AWT-EventQueue-0
did unlock: AWT-EventQueue-0
will unlock: JBND worker thread

I am not sure what that means. Also be careful of messages output by a log mechanism in a MT environment. NSLog in particular will show things out of exact order.

Stack traces... Got them by putting an exception breakpoint for IllegalMonitorStateException. The breakpoint set to suspend the VM. Traces are from the only two threads that do EOF work:

Thread [JBND worker thread] (Suspended (exception IllegalMonitorStateException)) ReentrantLock$NonfairSync(ReentrantLock$Sync).tryRelease(int) line: 125 ReentrantLock$NonfairSync(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer).release(int) line: 1137
        ReentrantLock.unlock() line: 431        
        EODistributedObjectStore.unlock() line: 107     
        JCEC(EOEditingContext).unlockObjectStore() line: 4668   
        JCEC.unlockObjectStore() line: 283      
        User(EOFDataObject).willRead() line: 744        
_EOMutableKnownKeyDictionary$Initializer $_GenericRecordBinding.valueInObject(Object) line: 570
        User(EOCustomObject).storedValueForKey(String) line: 1634       
        User(_User).password() line: 77 

Thread [AWT-EventQueue-0] (Suspended)   
        JCEC.lockObjectStore() line: 274        
        Account(EOFDataObject).willRead() line: 742     
_EOMutableKnownKeyDictionary$Initializer $_GenericRecordBinding.valueInObject(Object) line: 570
        Account(EOCustomObject).storedValueForKey(String) line: 1634    
        Account(_Account).number() line: 94     
GeneratedMethodAccessor50.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: not available
        DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 25  
        Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 585      
NSKeyValueCoding$ValueAccessor$1.methodValue(Object, Method) line: 636
        NSKeyValueCoding$_MethodBinding.valueInObject(Object) line: 1134        
        Account(EOCustomObject).valueForKey(String) line: 1498  
        Account(EOFDataObject).valueForKey(String) line: 714    
        Account(EOFDataObject).get(String) line: 212    

That is a lot of locks. Is there any chance that the order of locking and unlocking is different somewhere? Not sure how that would cause this error...


Chuck Hill             Senior Consultant / VP Development

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