Hi All,

I have a form with a pop-up list in there. An AjaxObserveField refreshes an ajax update container when the selection in the pop-up changes. But the selection in my component is not being set.

I set a breakpoint in ERXWOForm's takeValuesFromRequest(). It is getting called. And I see it calling _enterFormInContext() which then calls context._setFormSubmitted(true). That looks right so far. Then at that point I inspected context.wasFormSubmitted() as well as context._wasFormSubmitted() and they both are turning false. :-/ Now that doesn't look right.... So then the form calls super.takeValuesFromRequest() and I was expecting the WOPopUpButton to process the the selection contained in the form values and then and setting the selection. But that never happens. I inspected the form values and the newly selected value in the pop-up is in there. So the pop-up is just not grabbing it from the form values. :-/

I also printed the class of the context and it is an ERXWOContext54. This is a Wonder app... or actually the wonderized version of my non- wonder app. ;-) My non-wonder app does grab the value from the form values in the request. My wonder app doesn't.

On an isolated wonder app the pop-up, ajax observe field and ajax update container work perfect. The selection does get set there. I'm using WO 5.4.3 and same Wonder version on both.

Any pointers for what to check that would help me find out why my pop- up is not doing takeValuesFromRequest() ?

It is just a normal WOPopUpButton... here's the definition:

GPCIPopUp: WOPopUpButton {
        name = "gpciPopUp";
        displayString = aGpci.displayString;
        item = aGpci;
        list = gpciList;
        selection = selectedGpci;

My setSelectedGpci() method in the component never gets called.  :-/

I feel like a beginner!!!  :-)

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