
We recently started using the Wonder Ajax framework (which is amazing btw, well done guys), but we want to be able to detect if javaScript is enabled on the client's browser.

I suspect this is a problem solved by many before, but I cannot seem to find a reliable solution.

I have considered setting cookies using client-side javascript, then checking for them server-side.
But conditions can arise where this might not work.

Checking client-side should be the simplest and more reliable way, but I have hit a little problem.
The <noscript> condition is simple (no issues there)
The <script> condition is less simple. You have to use a document.write('..');
The problem is now an escaping issue (as demonstrated below):

  <webobject name = ClickedRemoveFromOrder> Remove </webobject>

<script type="text/javascript">
document.write('<wo:AjaxUpdateLink action = "$clickedRemoveFromOrder" title = "Remove from basket" class = "remove" updateContainerID = "$mediaItem.pk.toString"> Remove </ wo:AjaxUpdateLink>');

<a class="remove" title="Remove from basket" href="/cgi-bin/ WebObjects/Shop.woa/wo/"> Remove </a>

<script type="text/javascript">
document.write('<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="AUL.update ('246', {}, '');" title="Remove from basket" class="remove"> Remove </a>');

I believe I need to escape the following characters so that they can be inserted into the document.write as a parameter.
' /
and probably a few more?

Is there a container I can use that will escape the generated HTML automatically?
Or maybe an additional binding on AjaxUpdateLink (escapeForJavascript)?

Other suggestions welcome.

Thanks in advance,


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