Brain damage... My component superclass was doing this :

        public void awake() {
                session().setErrors(new NSMutableArray<String>());

So when SaveStatViewer was called, the array was empty...

> Maybe drop all your validation handling into your page component  
> instead and then you can get at it with  Extra bonus:  
> use the same page super class everywhere and your validation handling 
> is done in one place for your entire app. (^_^)
> Ramsey
> On Nov 5, 2009, at 9:12 PM, Pascal Robert wrote:
> > I'm trapping validation errors like this :
> >
> >    private String error;
> >
> >    public void validationFailedWithException(Throwable exception,  
> > Object value, String keyPath) {
> >     errors.addObject(exception.getMessage());
> >    }
> >
> >    public String error() {
> >     return error;
> >    }
> >
> >    public void setError(String error) {
> >     this.error = error;
> >    }
> >
> > And in my component, I had this :
> >
> >  <wo:AjaxUpdateContainer id = "saveState" fullSubmit = true>
> >  <wo:ERXWOConditional condition = "$hasErrors">
> >      <div class = "warning">
> >        <p><wo:ERXLocalizedString value = "Errors.Header" />:</p>
> >        <wo:WORepetition list = "$errors" item = "$error">
> >          <wo:WOString value = "$error" escapeHTML = "false" />
> >          <br />
> >        </wo:WORepetition>
> >      </div>
> >  </wo:ERXWOConditional>
> >  <wo:ERXElse>
> >    <wo:WOString value = "$succesString" />
> >  </wo:ERXElse>
> >  </wo:AjaxUpdateContainer>
> >
> > That was working fine when this code was directly in my components, 
> > but having the same stuff inside multiple components is not good, so
> > I moved this logic to a sub-component, and I'm calling this sub- 
> > component from all my other components. Problem is, the sub- 
> > component is called (if I put static text before the conditional, I 
> > see it when I submit the form) but no errors are showing up and the 
> > repetition don't iterate over  the array. A breakpoint in  
> > validationFailedWithException does show that the error is being  
> > added to the array, so I have no idea on why it's not displaying  
> > anything when it's in the sub-component.
> >
> > BTW, validationFailedWithException is inside a superclass that every
> > component inherits from.
> >
> > WO 5.4.3/ERExtensions from the current source.
> >
> > -- 
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------------
> > Pascal Robert
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Skype: MacTICanada
> > AIM/iChat : MacTICanada
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Pascal Robert 

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