On Nov 8, 2009, at 5:21 PM, Mark Wardle wrote:

Ramsey: Thank you. It is very satisfying deleting my old custom
components, although there's a steep learning curve here.

I don't think it helps that I've started by rewriting user management
using d2w instead of regular WO. It needs special handling to deal
with users editing their own information (but avoiding privilege
escalation), uploading photos and changing passwords. Once I crack all
of that then perhaps the rest will be easier...   maybe....

I've done some of that already in R2D2W (^_^)

What I do is stick the user entity on session.objectStore.user. That way, I can conditionally show the edit user link in the menu header based on whether or not that's null. The edit user link just loads an EditUser configuration and passes the object from session.objectStore.user to it. So, if there is a session.objectStore.user, then it shows edit and logout. If not, it shows create new account and login.

Create new account is a CreateUser config. It works with a new user object and sets the user on the session when the save is complete. Login is just a QueryUser configuration with a nextPageDelegate that handles the special login logic. And of course, the user entity and page configurations are set dynamically with the rule system, so you can use whatever existing user entity you've modeled. It's set up so you can flag your user entity in the model with a userInfo key/value pair, or you can just set it in the rule system.

It's really simplistic right now, but you might find some of the code useful. It should do what you've mentioned above. If you're interested, feel free to grab a copy off the SVN at


Word of warning though: It's not for the faint of heart. You'll need to be working with Wonder source in your workspace, apply a few patches I've got up on Jira, and stay on Head. Plus it only compiles with 5.4.x. It might also help if you already understand migrations, ERAttachment, and ERCoreBusinessLogic as well.

So ... you've been warned. (^_^)


Again, thank you for your help. I'm starting to see things a bit more
clearly [*].

Best wishes,


[*] : this may be an overstatement

2009/11/8 Ramsey Lee Gurley <rgur...@mac.com>:

On Nov 8, 2009, at 2:17 AM, Mark Wardle wrote:

Hi Ramsey. Thank you for your help here. I think the best thing I did was to create my own look as it's forced me to spend time reading the source code and wod files to try and work out why stuff happens! Some
is *still* magic but I'm starting to see the hands moving under the
table now!

That's how I learned it.

On Sunday, November 8, 2009, Ramsey Lee Gurley <rgur...@mac.wrote:

On Nov 7, 2009, at 4:58 PM, Mark Wardle wrote:

Hi all. This may be a stupid question...

I've embedded a D2WQuery within a ListPage. It acts as a filter for
the list; in fact I use ERDQueryAnyKey exclusively to allow a
google-like search of the listed entities.  Thank you to all who
helped me make the mental leap to D2W - I don't think I'm quite there
*yet* - and getting me this far....

It's actually working quite well  BUT!

If I type text and click submit, then the list (displaygroup) is
filtered appropriately. However, the text is cleared from the
textfield. I wish to visually indicate that a filter is applied - I
assumed the text would remain within the textfield for the query, but
this is not the case.

I'm guessing when you reload your page, you're loading a fresh embedded query page which loads a fresh ERDQueryAnyKey which wipes out your entered value. ERDQueryAnyKey is not stateless so I think it should be storing the

In addition, every time I click submit, I get a wholly new page, even
though I've bound the action binding to a method that returns null.
Therefore, my list page "Back" button (Cancel) no longer returns to
the calling page but to the previous search.

What action binding? The one on the button? The one on the D2WQuery?
 What is your cancel button bound to?

I originally bound the d2w to displaygroup.filter and changing to this
an action within the customised list page didn't help.

The "cancel" button is set to the nextpage which becomes the last
search page instead of my main landing page. presumably this is
because somehow a new list page is being generated? I hadn't expected

The action binding of a D2WQuery ends up as the nextPage() of the embedded
query page.  If that is where you see the cancel button, then that is
probably the reason you're going back to the previous search instead of the
back page you expected.

As always, I'm in danger of being too specific and asking the wrong

You'll need to be more specific (^_^)

ha! But the danger is one misses the wo way!

1. Is there any way of getting a D2WQuery to maintain input state
after submission?

If you use the showListInSamePage, and set up a specific page
configuration for this, it should work with no additional effort. No? You would just have your list embedded in your query instead of your query
embedded in your list.

I did try that originally but I would like to have a list displayed
immediately for users. I don't wish to force a query.

Sounds perfectly reasonable.

Maybe I should
look at a way of showing all objects in an embedded d2wlist before a
query is set?

I suppose there are two alternatives. Copy the methods used in the
filter button and try to do the same with Ajax. Otherwise, forego the
emedded filter idea and simply use the filter button as is.

Ajax?  Feature creep? (^_^)

Anyway, it depends on how you bind it.  If you store something in a
component's local var, then you're subject to that var being wiped out with a reload. If you store the value in a place you can find it outside of the component (On the displayGroup or something) then you can reload it from that known place, even if your component is stateless. I think this is more
of a WO question than a D2W one though.

I thought of that. AFAICS, I couldn't persist input state as there
wasn't a public binding for the input state.

So you write a replacement (^_^) That component appears to be a property
level component and you need something very similar, but a page level
component. So, starting with ERDQueryAnyKey as an example, create a new

2. Is it possible to pass the cancelAction to the *next* page, or
somehow keep the same list page instance?
3. Am I still making things overly complicated? Should I use an
aboveDisplayPropertyKey and use an embedded component there rather
than customising my list page?

Won't work without modification, because aboveDisplayPropertyKeys in ERNeu doesn't give you a displayGroup or dataSource binding to filter against. You only get your property keys and d2wContext there. Given what you want to do, I think I would still go with the filter field in the batch
navigation bar rather than an entire embedded query page.

I think you are right. Thank you


Ok, so let's do it. Starting with the ERNeu list page template (Since I
can't see your code) change the FilterDisplayGroupButton bindings to

FilterDisplayGroupButton: WOSwitchComponent {
       WOComponentName = d2wContext.filterListComponentName;
       displayGroup = displayGroup;
       localContext = d2wContext;
       allowsFiltering = d2wContext.allowsFiltering;

Create Rules:
0: *true* => filterListComponentName = ERDFilterDisplayGroupButton
100: entity.name = 'Car' and task = 'list' => filterListComponentName =
WardleFilterAnyKey [Assignment]
100: entity.name = 'Car' and task = 'list' => filterAttributes = ("make",
"model", "color") [Assignment]
100: entity.name = 'Car' and task = 'list' => allowsFiltering = true

New filter component.


<webobject name="AllowsFiltering"><label>Matches <webobject name =


AllowsFiltering: WOConditional {
       condition = allowsFiltering;

FilterField: WOTextField {
       value = value;


public class WardleFilterAnyKey extends ERDQueryAnyKey {

   /** logging support */
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger (ERDQueryAnyKey.class);
   private Object _value;

    * Public constructor
    * @param context the context
   public WardleFilterAnyKey(WOContext context) {

   public boolean allowsFiltering() {
       boolean result = booleanValueForBinding("allowsFiltering");
       return result;

   public NSArray filterAttributes() {
       NSArray result = (NSArray)valueForBinding("filterAttributes");
       return result;

   public void setValue(Object newValue) {
       _value = newValue;
       ERXDisplayGroup dg = (ERXDisplayGroup)displayGroup();
       EOQualifier q = null;
       if(newValue != null) {
if(newValue != null && newValue.toString().indexOf("*") == 0) {
               newValue = newValue.toString().substring(1);
           q =
ERXRegExQualifier.MatchesSelector, newValue);
       dg.setQualifierForKey(q, "filterQualifier");

Something like that.  I didn't test any of it, but you get the idea.


Dr. Mark Wardle
Specialist registrar, Neurology
Cardiff, UK

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