You have forward slashes instead of backslashes. Try:


On 5/18/10 4:37 AM, ""
<> wrote:

> Send Webobjects-dev mailing list submissions to
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> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Webobjects-dev digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: Stuck on long response page... IE (Kieran Kelleher)
>    2. Re: ?? about opportunistic locking... (Kieran Kelleher)
>    3. Re: ?? about opportunistic locking... (Mark Ritchie)
>    4. Re: ?? about opportunistic locking... (Mike Schrag)
>    5. Re: ?? about opportunistic locking... (Mark Ritchie)
>    6. Re: Get rid of warning in binding value e.g. @sum.totalCost
>       (Cheong Hee)
>    7. Re: Get rid of warning in binding value e.g. @sum.totalCost
>       (Cheong Hee)
>    8. builds failing in Eclipse 3.6 (Tim Worman)
>    9. Re: Stuck on long response page... IE (Simon)
>   10. Re: builds failing in Eclipse 3.6 (Tim Worman)
>   11. Re: builds failing in Eclipse 3.6 (
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 22:12:53 -0400
> From: Kieran Kelleher <>
> Subject: Re: Stuck on long response page... IE
> To: Simon <>
> Cc: WebObjects Development <>
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Instead of a traditional "LongResponse" page try using a
> "GenericAjaxLongResponsePage" page that has an AjaxProgress component on it to
> monitor the task and a 'finishedFunction' binding on that to execute the
> nextPage action when task is done. That's MOL what I do nowadays.
> HTH, Kieran
> On May 17, 2010, at 7:57 AM, Simon wrote:
>> hi all - 
>> our apps use long response pages all over the shop, and we've had a few
>> reports of users getting stuck on them. after mucho debugging we've
>> discovered that wonderful IE (7+) has an option to disable meta refresh, and
>> various reports on the intertubes that it's disabled by default in various
>> versions.
>> i normally get annoyed with IE browsers wanting to warn about every minor
>> glitch on a page ("HEY, just in case you're interested there is a js variable
>> undefined on this page that you're never gonna use, but i thought i'd tell
>> you about it anyway, just to get in the way and make your life a little less
>> productive. ok?"), but with this one IE does just the opposite: nothing at
>> all. you hit the long response page and sit there...
>> anyway, i've been googling around for solutions and turned up nothing. i
>> guess the options are either to detect they have it turned off (which appears
>> to be impossible), or use another form of refresh.
>> anyone bumped into this one before ? any hints on solutions ?
>> thanks, simon
>> _______________________________________________
>> Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.
>> Webobjects-dev mailing list      (
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>> This email sent to
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 22:21:42 -0400
> From: Kieran Kelleher <>
> Subject: Re: ?? about opportunistic locking...
> To: Miguel Arroz <>
> Cc:, Theodore Petrosky
> <>
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Miguel, I am with you on this one ....... unless someone shows me a better
> approach.......
> For stuff that I *depend* on optimistic locking to support my business logic,
> I wrap transactions in a *brief* osc.lock() ........ it works ..... and for
> saving brain cycles I use this utility class to wrap optimistic lock
> transactions:
> <snip>
> /**
> * Deals with the nitty-gritty of a critical <strong>short-running</strong>
> * task where we depend on optimistic locking to guarantee that another
> * process does not change optimistic locking attributes at the same time. To
> * understand why this is necessary, read this:
> * {...@link}.
> * 
> * Wraps the actions in
> * appropriate locks. WARNING: The OSC is locked for the period of the
> * transaction. All EOF access on this OSC is blocked. Do not use this for
> * actions that take more than a few milliseconds on OSC's that are being
> * used by request threads!
> * 
> * Code design inspired by {...@link ERXEOAccessUtilities.ChannelAction}
> * 
> * Example of usage
> * 
> * <pre>
> * OptimisticLockAction action = new WKEOUtils.OptimisticLockAction() {
> *  &#064;Override
> *  protected Object doPerform(EOEditingContext actionEditingContext) {
> *   CTCampaign localCampaign = (CTCampaign)
> actionEditingContext.faultForGlobalID(gid, actionEditingContext);
> *   try {
> *    // Ship it
> *    localCampaign.shipMessages();
> *    actionEditingContext.saveChanges();
> *   } catch (EOGeneralAdaptorException e) {
> *    String additionalInfo = WKEOUtils.generalAdaptorExceptionInfo(e);
> *    log.error(&quot;Failed to ship campaign &quot; + localCampaign + &quot;.
> Probably another instance was sending &quot;
> *        + &quot;this campaign to the production mail queueat the same time;
> AdditionalInfo: &quot;
> *        + additionalInfo, e);
> *   }
> *   return null;
> *  }
> * };
> * 
> * try {
> *  action.perform(parentObjectStore());
> * } catch (Exception e) {
> *  throw new RuntimeException(e);
> * }
> * </pre>
> * 
> * @author kieran
> */
> public static abstract class OptimisticLockAction {
> /**
> * This method is called in a new locked editing context that has been
> * created in the osc passed in. Perform your changes in this editing
> * context. Any errors will be thrown. Return any result you want.
> * 
> * @param osc
> */
> protected abstract Object doPerform(EOEditingContext ec);
> public Object perform() throws Exception {
> return perform(null);
> }
> /**
> * @param osc
> *            the root object store to be locked so that true optimistic
> *            locking can be enforced.
> * @return the result of your doPerform method implementation
> * @throws Exception
> */
> public Object perform(EOObjectStore osc) throws Exception {
> osc.lock();
> try {
> EOEditingContext ec = WKEOUtils.newManualLockingEditingContext(osc);
> ec.lock();
> try {
> // Don't use stale EO's to begin with
> ec.setFetchTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
> return doPerform(ec);
> } catch (Exception e) {
> throw e;
> } finally {
> ec.unlock();
> ec.dispose();
> }
> } catch (Exception e) {
> throw e;
> } finally {
> osc.unlock();
> }
> }
> }
> </snip>
> On May 17, 2010, at 5:33 PM, Miguel Arroz wrote:
>> Hi!
>>  It's optimistic locking, and in my opinion, it's not implemented correctly
>> in WO! ;)
>>  Have fun.
>>  (I'm not sure if that blog post is 100% correct, I wrote it 2 years ago, but
>> it should be enough to explain the problem)
>>  Yours
>> Miguel Arroz
>> On 2010/05/17, at 22:18, Theodore Petrosky wrote:
>>> I have a small app where I create a modaldialog to edit the attributes of an
>>> entity. all of the attributes are marked for 'locking' in Entity Modeler.
>>> I ran my app in development mode and brought up the dialog to edit the
>>> attributes. 
>>> I fired up another computer pointed the browser at the same record.
>>> so both computers are looking at record 1 and have different values in the
>>> fields.
>>> I was expecting that that I could saved the changes from the browser on
>>> machine one, and if I tried to save the changes from machine two the app
>>> would throw an exception and I would see it in the logs....
>>> to my surprise, there was no error... machine two's changes were saved over
>>> machine one.
>>> so either I am doing something wrong or I don't understand opportunistic
>>> locking..
>>> I hope someone can help straighten me out.
>>> Ted
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>>> Webobjects-dev mailing list      (
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>> Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.
>> Webobjects-dev mailing list      (
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 19:33:23 -0700
> From: Mark Ritchie <>
> Subject: Re: ?? about opportunistic locking...
> To: Mike Schrag <>
> Cc: WebObjects-Dev Mailing List List <>
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Hey Mike!
> On 17/May/2010, at 4:24 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:
>> so here's your challenge ... make this fail with an optimistic lock exception
>> when EC2 saves (which is what would happen if EC1 was in another instance):
> But that's the point...  When an EO in your application changes, you are
> notified via the delegate!  You don't have to wait until you try to
> saveChanges and get the exception.  I agree with what others have posted
> recently on this topic, getting notified of a collision at the earliest point
> is much preferred!
> As to the rest of it, I think that you're making it way too complicated...
> My delegate works just fine at caching the changes and applying them later:
> -------------- next part --------------
> A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
> Name:
> Type: application/octet-stream
> Size: 2445 bytes
> Desc: not available
> Url : 
> MarksDelegate.obj
> -------------- next part --------------
> This is what I've used in the past (since ObjC days) and I don't know of a
> case where it fails.
> M.
> P.S.  My run log looks like this (after the 100 objects are created):
> May 17 19:28:06 UseTheDelegate[49584] DEBUG NSLog  -  evaluateExpression:
> <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.MySQLPlugIn$MySQLExpression: "SELECT,
> RTRIM( FROM Company t0" withBindings: >
> May 17 19:28:06 UseTheDelegate[49584] DEBUG NSLog  - 100 row(s) processed
> May 17 19:28:06 UseTheDelegate[49584] DEBUG NSLog  -  === Commit Internal
> Transaction
> Application.Application: ec0 =
> Application.Application: ec1 =
> Application.Application: ec2 =
> Application.Application: Company 98
> Application.Application: Company 98
> Application.Application: Company 98
> C1 updated, not saved.
> Application.Application: Company 98
> Application.Application: C1 1274149686265
> Application.Application: Company 98
> C2 updated, not saved.
> Application.Application: Company 98
> Application.Application: C1 1274149686265
> Application.Application: C2 1274149686265
> May 17 19:28:06 UseTheDelegate[49584] DEBUG NSLog  -  === Begin Internal
> Transaction
> May 17 19:28:06 UseTheDelegate[49584] DEBUG NSLog  -  evaluateExpression:
> <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.MySQLPlugIn$MySQLExpression: "UPDATE Company SET
> name = ? WHERE (id = ? AND name = ?)" withBindings: 1:"C1
> 1274149686265"(name), 2:89(id), 3:"Company 98"(name)>
> May 17 19:28:06 UseTheDelegate[49584] DEBUG NSLog  -  === Commit Internal
> Transaction
> MarksDelegate.editingContext:
> shouldMergeChangesForObject: eo = < 2d397e5c
> _EOIntegralKeyGlobalID[Company (java.lang.Integer)89]>
> MarksDelegate.editingContext:
> didMergeChanges:
> MarksDelegate.editingContext:
> shouldInvalidateObject: eo = < 51701bdc
> _EOIntegralKeyGlobalID[Company (java.lang.Integer)89]>
> MarksDelegate.editingContext:
> didMergeChanges:
> MarksDelegate.editingContext:
> shouldInvalidateObject: eo = < 1c2006a0
> _EOIntegralKeyGlobalID[Company (java.lang.Integer)89]>
> MarksDelegate.editingContext:
> didMergeChanges:
> C1 saved.
> Application.Application: C1 1274149686265
> Application.Application: C1 1274149686265
> Application.Application: C2 1274149686265
> May 17 19:28:06 UseTheDelegate[49584] DEBUG NSLog  -  === Begin Internal
> Transaction
> May 17 19:28:06 UseTheDelegate[49584] DEBUG NSLog  -  evaluateExpression:
> <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.MySQLPlugIn$MySQLExpression: "UPDATE Company SET
> name = ? WHERE (id = ? AND name = ?)" withBindings: 1:"C2
> 1274149686265"(name), 2:89(id), 3:"C1 1274149686265"(name)>
> May 17 19:28:06 UseTheDelegate[49584] DEBUG NSLog  -  === Commit Internal
> Transaction
> MarksDelegate.editingContext:
> shouldInvalidateObject: eo = < 1c2006a0
> _EOIntegralKeyGlobalID[Company (java.lang.Integer)89]>
> MarksDelegate.editingContext:
> didMergeChanges:
> MarksDelegate.editingContext:
> shouldInvalidateObject: eo = < 51701bdc
> _EOIntegralKeyGlobalID[Company (java.lang.Integer)89]>
> MarksDelegate.editingContext:
> didMergeChanges:
> MarksDelegate.editingContext:
> shouldInvalidateObject: eo = < 2d397e5c
> _EOIntegralKeyGlobalID[Company (java.lang.Integer)89]>
> MarksDelegate.editingContext:
> didMergeChanges:
> May 17 19:28:06 UseTheDelegate[49584] DEBUG NSLog  -  === Begin Internal
> Transaction
> May 17 19:28:06 UseTheDelegate[49584] DEBUG NSLog  -  evaluateExpression:
> <com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.MySQLPlugIn$MySQLExpression: "SELECT,
> RTRIM( FROM Company t0 WHERE = ?" withBindings: 1:89(id)>
> May 17 19:28:06 UseTheDelegate[49584] DEBUG NSLog  - 1 row(s) processed
> May 17 19:28:06 UseTheDelegate[49584] DEBUG NSLog  -  === Commit Internal
> Transaction
> C2 saved.
> Application.Application: C2 1274149686265
> Application.Application: C2 1274149686265
> Application.Application: C2 1274149686265
> May 17 19:28:06 UseTheDelegate[49584] DEBUG NSLog  - The URL for webserver
> connect is:
> The URL for direct connect is:
> May 17 19:28:06 UseTheDelegate[49584] WARN  NSLog  -
> May 17 19:28:06 UseTheDelegate[49584] WARN
> er.extensions.appserver.ERXApplication  - You are running in development mode
> with WOAutoOpenInBrowser = false.  No browser will open and it will look like
> the application is hung, but it's not.  There's just not a browser opening
> automatically.
> May 17 19:28:06 UseTheDelegate[49584] DEBUG NSLog  - Waiting for requests...
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 23:26:33 -0400
> From: Mike Schrag <>
> Subject: Re: ?? about opportunistic locking...
> To: Mark Ritchie <>
> Cc: WebObjects-Dev Mailing List List <>
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>> On 17/May/2010, at 4:24 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:
>>> so here's your challenge ... make this fail with an optimistic lock
>>> exception when EC2 saves (which is what would happen if EC1 was in another
>>> instance):
>> But that's the point...  When an EO in your application changes, you are
>> notified via the delegate!  You don't have to wait until you try to
>> saveChanges and get the exception.  I agree with what others have posted
>> recently on this topic, getting notified of a collision at the earliest point
>> is much preferred!
> Well, sure you agree with them. And they're wrong too ;)
> The problem is that this implementation is horribly confusing. As soon as you
> go to multiple instances (which everyone will do), your apps now behave
> completely inconsistently. I find this to be bad design. Now your app is
> handling optimistic locking failures in TWO places -- once weirdly in this
> delegate, which can't easily propagate up to a UI and the other that happens
> in your catch block for saveChanges, which DOES propagate to the UI. As far as
> I can tell, this API seems to be one that must have come from the desktop
> version of EOF where you're always in-process to your changes. Those API's are
> all dead to me.
>> This is what I've used in the past (since ObjC days) and I don't know of a
>> case where it fails.
> This depends on your definition of "fail." I agree that for the way you're
> using it it works. For the ACTUAL complaint I have, it seems insufficient. I'm
> also not sure you even run in the right thread to throw that exception. This
> responds to ObjectsChangedInStore, which probably means it runs in EC1's
> thread? Or does it queue up and run in EC2's thread when in
> performRecentChanges or something? Regardless, I suspect to make
> inter-instance and intra-instance behavior match, you're going to have to do a
> lot more work ... hence my gripe.
> If you can get an optimistic lock on ec2.saveChanges out of this technique,
> I'll be a fan of it (because then we can just wire this into Wonder on all
> EC's and have this problem fixed or at least an opt-in feature), but I'm still
> not convinced yet.
> ms
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 21:05:05 -0700
> From: Mark Ritchie <>
> Subject: Re: ?? about opportunistic locking...
> To: Mike Schrag <>
> Cc: WebObjects-Dev Mailing List List <>
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Hey!
> On 17/May/2010, at 8:26 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:
>> Well, sure you agree with them. And they're wrong too ;)
> LOL  Ok, now it's time to break out the Nerf equipment! ;-)
>> As far as I can tell, this API seems to be one that must have come from the
>> desktop version of EOF where you're always in-process to your changes. Those
>> API's are all dead to me.
> Yes, of course this design is from 'real' EOF!  ObjC EOF and AppKit on
> Dead or not, it's the history which forms what we have today.
>>> This is what I've used in the past (since ObjC days) and I don't know of a
>>> case where it fails.
>> This depends on your definition of "fail." I agree that for the way you're
>> using it it works. For the ACTUAL complaint I have, it seems insufficient.
>> I'm also not sure you even run in the right thread to throw that exception.
>> This responds to ObjectsChangedInStore, which probably means it runs in EC1's
>> thread? Or does it queue up and run in EC2's thread when in
>> performRecentChanges or something? Regardless, I suspect to make
>> inter-instance and intra-instance behavior match, you're going to have to do
>> a lot more work ... hence my gripe.
> Those two cases need to be different!  If anything, the inter-instance case is
> broken in that it doesn't properly notify EC's in other running instances that
> objects they are interested in have become invalid!  However, until we have
> EC's properly hooked into the psychic-friends network, I don't see how that's
> going to happen.
>> If you can get an optimistic lock on ec2.saveChanges out of this technique,
>> I'll be a fan of it (because then we can just wire this into Wonder on all
>> EC's and have this problem fixed or at least an opt-in feature), but I'm
>> still not convinced yet.
> But that's just it, I don't want to have ec2.saveChanges() fail. By the time
> that ec2 is back to running, it's EO's have been updated and it's good to
> save!  The delegate gives the application developer the control to handle this
> case in way specific to their application implementation.  Something that I
> could not divine a general solution too!
> And yes, by the by, I'm pretty sure that you're correct that when the delegate
> is called, it's within the thread of the EC which posted the notification and
> thus throwing any exception would never make it to the handler of another EC.
> Nor should it! ;-)
> Now, having said all that, I would be open to the idea of making this easier
> to understand for new developers however that must not come at the cost of
> sacrificing the notification that objects have changed from what you thought
> they were.  M.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 12:11:44 +0800
> From: "Cheong Hee" <>
> Subject: Re: Get rid of warning in binding value e.g. @sum.totalCost
> To: "Kieran Kelleher" <>
> Cc: Development WebObjects <>
> Message-ID: <003b01caf640$3eee87c0$6501a...@chngmacxp>
> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
> reply-type=original
> Not sure if I got it right.  I appended \\VALID to the binding value, the
> red icon now complains:
> - '\' is an unknown keyword
> - Unable to verify operator 'sum.numberOfHour'
> - 'VALID' is an unknown keyword
> - '\' is an unknown keyword
> Just to be sure, this is the string binding used:
> String11: WOString {
> numberformat = "0.00";
> value = selectedresource.trainin...@sum.numberofhour;\\VALID
> }
> Cheers
> Cheong Hee
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Kieran Kelleher" <>
> To: "Cheong Hee Ng" <>
> Cc: "Development WebObjects" <>
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 6:26 PM
> Subject: Re: Get rid of warning in binding value e.g. @sum.totalCost
>> selectedresource.trainin...@sum.totalcost;\\VALID
>> On May 17, 2010, at 5:51 AM, Cheong Hee Ng wrote:
>>> selectedresource.trainin...@sum.totalcost;
> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 13:14:49 +0800
> From: "Cheong Hee" <>
> Subject: Re: Get rid of warning in binding value e.g. @sum.totalCost
> To: "Kieran Kelleher" <>
> Cc: Development WebObjects <>
> Message-ID: <005d01caf649$3cd10fe0$6501a...@chngmacxp>
> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
> reply-type=response
> Not sure why this happened - the second time i did the changes with same
> same sequence, saved... the error disappeared.
> Pls ignore previous email.  Thanks, Kieran.
> another note, any pointer as where to get more info about stuff like
> //VALID.
> Cheers
> Cheong Hee
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Cheong Hee" <>
> To: "Kieran Kelleher" <>
> Cc: "Development WebObjects" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:11 PM
> Subject: Re: Get rid of warning in binding value e.g. @sum.totalCost
>> Not sure if I got it right.  I appended \\VALID to the binding value, the
>> red icon now complains:
>> - '\' is an unknown keyword
>> - Unable to verify operator 'sum.numberOfHour'
>> - 'VALID' is an unknown keyword
>> - '\' is an unknown keyword
>> Just to be sure, this is the string binding used:
>> String11: WOString {
>> numberformat = "0.00";
>> value = selectedresource.trainin...@sum.numberofhour;\\VALID
>> }
>> Cheers
>> Cheong Hee
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Kieran Kelleher" <>
>> To: "Cheong Hee Ng" <>
>> Cc: "Development WebObjects" <>
>> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 6:26 PM
>> Subject: Re: Get rid of warning in binding value e.g. @sum.totalCost
>>> selectedresource.trainin...@sum.totalcost;\\VALID
>>> On May 17, 2010, at 5:51 AM, Cheong Hee Ng wrote:
>>>> selectedresource.trainin...@sum.totalcost;
> ------------------------------
> Message: 8
> Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 23:00:24 -0700
> From: Tim Worman <>
> Subject: builds failing in Eclipse 3.6
> To: WebObjects Development <>
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> All:
> I could use some tips about how to troubleshoot ant build problems. I'm sure
> this has to do with the fact that I've updated to Eclipse 3.6. I'm running the
> cocoa 64-bit version. I haven't been able to build any apps this evening.
> I'm using the conventional method:
> right-click on build.xml > Run As > Ant Build
>  I've never run into build problems failures like this so I've never had to
> look into something like this. I switched back to Eclipse 3.5 to build my
> apps.
> Tim Worman
> ------------------------------
> Message: 9
> Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 07:53:54 +0100
> From: Simon <>
> Subject: Re: Stuck on long response page... IE
> To: Kieran Kelleher <>
> Cc: WebObjects Development <>
> Message-ID:
> <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> is the ajax variety pretty much a drop in replacement for the old hat one ?
> what about locking issues ? ERXWOLongResponsePage does some funky stuff
> around ec locking - i guess with the ajax variety you're on your own ?
> simon
> On 18 May 2010 03:12, Kieran Kelleher <> wrote:
>> Instead of a traditional "LongResponse" page try using a
>> "GenericAjaxLongResponsePage" page that has an AjaxProgress component on it
>> to monitor the task and a 'finishedFunction' binding on that to execute the
>> nextPage action when task is done. That's MOL what I do nowadays.
>> HTH, Kieran
>> On May 17, 2010, at 7:57 AM, Simon wrote:
>>> hi all -
>>> our apps use long response pages all over the shop, and we've had a few
>> reports of users getting stuck on them. after mucho debugging we've
>> discovered that wonderful IE (7+) has an option to disable meta refresh, and
>> various reports on the intertubes that it's disabled by default in various
>> versions.
>>> i normally get annoyed with IE browsers wanting to warn about every minor
>> glitch on a page ("HEY, just in case you're interested there is a js
>> variable undefined on this page that you're never gonna use, but i thought
>> i'd tell you about it anyway, just to get in the way and make your life a
>> little less productive. ok?"), but with this one IE does just the opposite:
>> nothing at all. you hit the long response page and sit there...
>>> anyway, i've been googling around for solutions and turned up nothing. i
>> guess the options are either to detect they have it turned off (which
>> appears to be impossible), or use another form of refresh.
>>> anyone bumped into this one before ? any hints on solutions ?
>>> thanks, simon
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.
>>> Webobjects-dev mailing list      (
>>> Help/Unsubscribe/Update your Subscription:
>>> This email sent to
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL: 
> attachment.html
> ------------------------------
> Message: 10
> Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 01:10:30 -0700
> From: Tim Worman <>
> Subject: Re: builds failing in Eclipse 3.6
> To: Mike Schrag <>
> Cc: WebObjects Development <>
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> I wasn't trying to be vague. I'm honestly not seeing much of anything in
> Eclipse. It starts to run, then says terminated almost immediately. There is
> nothing in the console. I'm sure it's something I should be able to solve
> which is why I tried to focus my question on how I can troubleshoot better.
> :-)
> Tim Worman
> On May 18, 2010, at 12:58 AM, Mike Schrag wrote:
>> "build errors"
>> Read: "I had a problem but I'm going to keep the details secret. Mu ha ha"
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On May 18, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Tim Worman <> wrote:
>>> All:
>>> I could use some tips about how to troubleshoot ant build problems. I'm sure
>>> this has to do with the fact that I've updated to Eclipse 3.6. I'm running
>>> the cocoa 64-bit version. I haven't been able to build any apps this
>>> evening.
>>> I'm using the conventional method:
>>> right-click on build.xml > Run As > Ant Build
>>> I've never run into build problems failures like this so I've never had to
>>> look into something like this. I switched back to Eclipse 3.5 to build my
>>> apps.
>>> Tim Worman
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 11
> Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 04:37:02 -0600 (MDT)
> From:
> Subject: Re: builds failing in Eclipse 3.6
> To: "Tim Worman" <>
> Cc: WebObjects Development <>, Mike
> Schrag <>
> Message-ID:
> <>
> Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8
> Hi Tim,
> I don't see this behavior with 3.6.
> When I do the same on a project I've never built this way before (I use
> Hudson - it's just too awesome) it does fail, but with error messages in
> the console saying it can't find ERExtensions because I don't have the
> compiled Wonder frameworks anywhere (see: I use Hudson).
> 1) Is the build.xml file a stock one or do you have modifications?
> 2) Can you paste the contents of your file here?
> 3) What are the contents of the Eclipse Menu -> Preferences -> WOLips ->
> Build -> WOLips Properties File  setting?
> 4) If #3 isn't blank, what are the contents of that file?
> Dave
>> I wasn't trying to be vague. I'm honestly not seeing much of anything in
>> Eclipse. It starts to run, then says terminated almost immediately. There
>> is nothing in the console. I'm sure it's something I should be able to
>> solve which is why I tried to focus my question on how I can troubleshoot
>> better. :-)
>> Tim Worman
>> On May 18, 2010, at 12:58 AM, Mike Schrag wrote:
>>> "build errors"
>>> Read: "I had a problem but I'm going to keep the details secret. Mu ha
>>> ha"
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On May 18, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Tim Worman <> wrote:
>>>> All:
>>>> I could use some tips about how to troubleshoot ant build problems. I'm
>>>> sure this has to do with the fact that I've updated to Eclipse 3.6. I'm
>>>> running the cocoa 64-bit version. I haven't been able to build any apps
>>>> this evening.
>>>> I'm using the conventional method:
>>>> right-click on build.xml > Run As > Ant Build
>>>> I've never run into build problems failures like this so I've never had
>>>> to look into something like this. I switched back to Eclipse 3.5 to
>>>> build my apps.
>>>> Tim Worman
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