Hi Markus,

Are you setting this property?


Other ideas:



On Feb 23, 2011, at 7:57 AM, Markus Ruggiero wrote:

> Hi,
> I am currently fighting with a ERD2W application and unicode character 
> support. Some chars simply do not make it into the browser display. One 
> example is "→" (right arrow).
> DB is Oracle 9 running on WinNT, development on Snow Leo
> I can copy/paste that particular char from an Excel table into the database 
> using SQLDeveloper. The arrow gets there and stays there. However when I 
> access the DB with my D2W app the char shows up as "?". As far as I could see 
> from the debugger the correct symbol makes it into java vars, but then it 
> gets lost somewhere. Connection string for Oracle ends with the parameter 
> "?charSet=utf-8" (interesting side note: EOModeler inside WOLips cannot 
> generate SQL when this parameter is there (SID not known), app however seems 
> to run fine with it - is this a bug?). I thought that PageWrapper.wo is the 
> one being used - and there I have <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" 
> content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
> declaration but obviously this page wrapper is not being used as none of my 
> headers lines show up. And nowhere in the rules file can I find any rule for 
> a different page wrapper. The page in the browser does not have my header 
> lines and thus lacks the charset declaration.
> How do I get the correct right arrow symbol to show up from the database in 
> the browser - and how do I make sure that when the user edits some fields and 
> puts such a char in that the right thing goes to the database. I must be 
> missing some simple things...
> Thanks for help
> ---markus---
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