On May 16, 2011, at 11:50 PM, <naneon.raym...@neuf.fr> wrote:
>> So if I use Wonder, I can write this code in my WOD to display each person 
>> picture where person pic like http://webserver/person/mini/personPk.jpg?
>>>> i.e :
>>>>> <wo:loop item="$persons" list="$person">
>>>>> ....Member picture
>>>>> <wo name ="picture"/>
>>>>> ...
>>>>> </wo>
>>>>> in WOD 
>>>>> picture : ERXImage {
>>>>>   src = "http://webserver/person/mini/"+person.pk+".jpg";;
> Almost:
> src = ~"http://webserver/person/mini/"+person.pk+".jpg";;
> That is WOOgnl syntax.
> ===>Don't work : [com.webobjects.appserver.parser.declaration.TokenMgrError] 
> Lexical error at line 158, column 15.  Encountered: "~" (126), after : 
> "":<com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOComponentDefinition: Error parsing 
> template for Component : 
> 'file:/Volumes/SNOW-DATA/workspace/Dossier-Etudiants/Components/Recherche.wo':
> com.webobjects.appserver.parser.declaration.WODeclarationFormatException: 
> Lexical error at line 158, column 15.  Encountered: "~" (126), after : "

Your app needs to be a Wonder app or it needs to initialize WOOgnl:


And it needs to include the WOOgnl.framework in the Libraries.


Chuck Hill             Senior Consultant / VP Development

Come to WOWODC this July for unparalleled WO learning opportunities and real 
peer to peer problem solving!  Network, socialize, and enjoy a great 
cosmopolitan city.  See you there!  http://www.wocommunity.org/wowodc11/

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