
I am talking about layout/styling!

Background: I have a crappy desktop table-based static layout done by a 
"designer" using some Adobe auto-generated output from a few weeks ago. I added 
my jQuery logic and WO direct actions to that for the few small bits of 
"dynamic logic" needed by the customer.

Today, I was asked for a mobile version of this one-page site (it is a landing 
page from a mass snail-mail campaign) and since the original version is 
impossible to just style as mobile with CSS due to its awful non-semantic 
layout, and since it is too late to find a web designer who can redo the entire 
thing, I am creating a very simple semantic layout for mobile. So, I am just 
going to use apache rewrite rule on the user agent to rewrite mobile device 
requests to a different URL containing the mobile site.

What I am looking for is the huge list of mobile user agents as might be used 
in this example:

Either way, my objective is simple:
Deliver mobile site home page to mobile (or small-screen devices) and regular 
home page to the rest. And I need to do this using either apache and/or 
javascript - no java or WebObjects is involved in rendering this site home page.

On Jul 7, 2011, at 2:59 PM, Pascal Robert wrote:

> Le 2011-07-07 à 14:53, Kieran Kelleher a écrit :
>> Does anyone have a comprehensive set of RewriteCond statements that I can 
>> copy/paste for a mobile site rewrite rule? 
> I guess the "mobile site" is using REST or DirectActions? If so, look at my 
> ERRest slides (the Friday talk) for an example, in the Versionning section. 
> You just need to change /ra to /wa if you are using DAs.

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