
I have created a issue [1] to track this problem.

There is a new commit in the hotfix-classloading branch that tries to solve the 
problem. It removes the dependency on a custom class loader. It's still very 
experimental, but I would like to know if this patch solves your problem.

There is one requirement: you have to create a AppRunner class, and start your 
application from it. Here is an example of a very simple runner:

public class AppRunner {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        WOInject.init("", args);

I've deployed a new WOInject SNAPSHOT to the WOCommunity repository. Just 
update to the 1.1-SNAPSHOT version in your pom to download the latest changes.




On 07/06/2012, at 23:30, Henrique Prange wrote:

> Hi Joseph,
> On 06/06/2012, at 04:04, Joseph Pachod wrote:
>> Hi all
>> We've been using WOInject for a few months and encountered two issues
>> due to the classloader manipulation done at startup (the one to enable
>> interception through javassist, in the WOInject class).
> You're not alone. I've faced problems because of the classloader manipulation 
> too. Take a look at issue #2 [1]. I've provided a simple fix, but I know it 
> is not a definitive solution.
>> The first issue is a known Guice 2.0 bug
>> ( This one
>> pops up when from Guice grabs some class from another classloader that
>> the one it was started in. In our case, it meant Guice was grabing
>> some class from the default class loader instead of the the javassist
>> one. It appeared in a very unexpected way: suddenly one binding was
>> causing the whole application to break down. Finally, we had to switch
>> to Guice 3.0, which incorporates the bug fix and avoids the issue to
>> show up another time somewhere else. Turned out since  that the
>> woinject repo on github states "Guice 3.0" as a requirement. Was this
>> bug the reason for it?
> In fact, I was not aware of this Guice bug until now. :)
> The WOInject code responsible for object instantiation was heavily inspired 
> by the AssistedInject module. It requires the bind().toConstructor() method 
> API added in Guice 3.0. To support Guice 2.0, WOInject would not be able to 
> take advantage of the AOP support, for instance.
>> The second issue is a security exception when trying to encrypt some
>> file. The issue was boiled down to a classloader one again, the
>> required class being "on the bootclasspath" instead of the current
>> classloader (the javassist one). I append the stack trace to the end
>> of this mail, if some one wants to have a look at it.
> This problem seems to be related to the issue #2 mentioned above. Clearly, an 
> alternative is required to the Javassist classloader to solve this problem.
>> In order to get rid of this bug, we ended removing the classloading
>> trick and, instead, using our own _NSUtilities where we do the
>> injector.injectMembers(newInstance) ourselves. In order to make it
>> possible, we made sure our own version of this class came on top of
>> the classpath provided to the application (thanks to Maven). Since it
>> works again.
>> What do you think of that ? Could it be done as well in WOInject ?
> Yes. It could be done. However, this solution also has some problems:
> 1) It doesn't scale: that is the same approach employed by Wonder. We can't 
> apply this kind of solution every time, for every framework.
> 2) It is subject to license issues.
> 3) It makes the user responsible for the solution of the problem. This 
> problem is an extension of the first problem. In the beginning, ERExtensions 
> should come first in the classpath. Then ERFoundation and ERWebObjects were 
> created and took precedence. With this solution, WOInject must come before 
> those libraries.
> 4) I'm not sure this solution works in a JEE environment.
> Changing the behavior of core classes of WebObjects is a general problem that 
> anyone developing WO apps/frameworks face sooner or later. IMHO, we should 
> develop a common solution in Wonder, some kind of ERPatcher framework. This 
> would enable us to solve long-standing problems without violating the Apple 
> license and in an organized manner. I really would like to know what others 
> think about it. I'm really inclined to implement this framework, as soon as I 
> figure out how. :)
>> Indeed, we were planning to use WOInject once the "WOInjectProposal"
>> on github would have been incorporated.
> I'm planning to add this feature in the next release. I'm really out of time 
> right now, but it is in my TODO list.
>> Personally, getting rid of classloader manipulations would be a plus
>> IMHO. It removes a whole bunch of potential issues, from memory leaks
>> to "classes from the wrong classloader".
> Classloader manipulations are complicated and can have side effects. However, 
> it has been widely used in Java frameworks (including Guice). I'll try to 
> produce a better solution. I'll ping you as soon as I have a new version for 
> testing.
>> For sure, I may miss some good points of javassist, so I'm really
>> eager to read you back. Alternative solutions are also welcome, but
>> the few I could make up (using an agent instead of classloader
>> manipulation for example) don't come for cheap neither: overall class
>> shadowing and classpath ordering look like the less impacting option.
> I also would like to avoid using an agent to solve this problem. IMHO, we 
> have the following alternatives:
> 1) A better custom classloader: the Javassist classloader is just an example 
> of how to create a Classloader able to load Javassist manipulated classes. We 
> can write a better one that loads only the _NSUtilities class from Javassist 
> and delegates everything else to the parent classloader.
> 2) Loading the manipulated classes right on the System classloader: the 
> manipulated _NSUtilities could be loaded directly in the System classloader 
> through reflection. I don't know what are the side effects of this solution 
> yet.
> 3) Classpath ordering: as you mentioned, avoids runtime problems at the cost 
> of delegating the responsibility to the user of the library.
> I'll try to implement the first solution and send you a new version of 
> WOInject as soon as possible.
> [1]
> Cheers,
> Henrique

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