Please keep questions/replies on list so that everyone may benefit/assist :-)

On Jul 30, 2012, at 8:50 PM, Sr. Ângelo Andrade Cirino wrote:

> Dear Ramsey,
> I am very frustrated. I created two new test projects following your steps in 
> the presentation, choosing 'WO Project' from template and then 'Modern D2W 
> Application', one project with the ERMovies Logic framework and the other 
> with a very simple model I created (two entities with a to one relationship). 
> But in both projects the navigation menu did not work.

You shouldn't need to do that any longer. If you create a new Wonder D2W 
project, it will be an ERModern project these days.

> Should I trash my installation, a brand new Eclipse/WOLips/Wonder standard 
> installation, and try again? I can not see what I am doing wrong.

Sorry about that. The install process for WO/Wonder/WOLips just sucks. It's 
amazing to me that anyone new gives it a try.  I saw sometime ago that Ken 
Ishimoto had been working on an installer, but I never had a chance to try it. 
We all muddled through this at one point, if that gives you any comfort :-)

If your app launches, it's probably not your installation.

> Worse, not only the navigation menu doesn't work,

Did you try debugging your rule firings to see what was being set for 
navigationState and why?

> but also the tabs and sections features for grouping display properties. The 
> following rule
> 100 : ( = 'Pacote' and task = 'edit') => displayPropertyKeys = 
> ("[Geral]", "encerramento", "título", "resumo", "títuloEstendido", "moeda", 
> "descrição", "principal", "[Imagens]", "miniatura", "imagemPequena", 
> "imagemGrande", "[Outras informações]", "opçãoIncluídas", 
> "informaçãoAdicionals", "condiçãoPacotes") 
> [com.webobjects.directtoweb.Assignment]
> Gives this exception:
> <$UnknownKeyException message 
> '<com.visionar.modelos.Pacote 0x461fbe88> valueForKey(): lookup of unknown 
> key: '[Geral]'. This class does not have an instance variable of the name 
> [Geral] or _[Geral], nor a method of the name [Geral], _[Geral], get[Geral], 
> or _get[Geral]' object '<com.visionar.modelos.Pacote pk:"1">' key '[Geral]'>

To use tabs on a Modern page, you have to have a tab or wizard page 
configuration/subtask. Otherwise, it doesn't work.  When you create the page, 
use a pageConfiguration like "EditTabEntity" or "EditWizardEntity" instead of 
"EditEntity".  CreateEntity pages are subtask=wizard by default, so the tabbing 
should work.


> D2W and the navigation system are way too powerful for me to not use them as 
> the basis for WO development. I used to create components and a lot of code 
> that can with a lot less work be designed with D2W applications and I would 
> like to move forward, but having the navigation menu system and the 
> properties display grouping working will help me a lot.
> Thanx,
> Angelo
> Em 30/07/2012, às 16:46, Ramsey Gurley escreveu:
>>> Well, I simplified the menu to just one level with four items to experiment 
>>> with the rules. When selected, each menu is performing adequately, listing 
>>> the entities it is meant to, with the associated action and 
>>> D2W.factory().listPageForEntityNamed. But the menu system stubbornly do not 
>>> highlight the chosen menu option, Principal is locked to be the highlighted 
>>> menu. The menu and the associated rules are now these:
>>> NavigationMenu.plist
>>> (
>>>     {
>>>             name = Root;
>>>             children = (Principal,Pacotes,Clientes,Usuarios);
>>>     },
>>>     {
>>>             name = Principal;
>>>             action = "session.navController.homeAction";
>>>     },
>>>     {
>>>             name = Pacotes;
>>>             action = "session.navController.pacotesAction";
>>>     },
>>>     {
>>>             name = Clientes;
>>>             action = "session.navController.clientesAction";
>>>     },
>>>     {
>>>             name = Usuarios;
>>>             action = "session.navController.usuáriosAction";
>>>     }
>>> )
>>> user.d2wmodel rules associated with the menu items
>>> {"author" = "100"; "class" = "com.webobjects.directtoweb.Rule"; "lhs" = 
>>> {"class" = "com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOKeyValueQualifier"; "key" = 
>>> "pageConfiguration"; "selectorName" = "isLike"; "value" = "*Usuario*"; }; 
>>> "rhs" = {"class" = "com.webobjects.directtoweb.Assignment"; "keyPath" = 
>>> "navigationState"; "value" = "Usuarios"; }; }, 
>>>  {"author" = "100"; "class" = "com.webobjects.directtoweb.Rule"; "lhs" = 
>>> {"class" = "com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOKeyValueQualifier"; "key" = 
>>> "pageConfiguration"; "selectorName" = "isLike"; "value" = "*Produto*"; }; 
>>> "rhs" = {"class" = "com.webobjects.directtoweb.Assignment"; "keyPath" = 
>>> "navigationState"; "value" = "Produtos"; }; }, 
>>>  {"author" = "100"; "class" = "com.webobjects.directtoweb.Rule"; "lhs" = 
>>> {"class" = "com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOKeyValueQualifier"; "key" = 
>>> "pageConfiguration"; "selectorName" = "isLike"; "value" = "*Clientes*"; }; 
>>> "rhs" = {"class" = "com.webobjects.directtoweb.Assignment"; "keyPath" = 
>>> "navigationState"; "value" = "Clientes"; }; }, 
>>> I can not see what I am doing wrong so that the navigation menu isn't 
>>> highlighting the selected option. But I also need to yet figure out how to 
>>> create and use submenus.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Angelo
>> That looks like it should work. You need to debug your rule firings to see 
>> why nothing is happening.
>> Ramsey

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